Chemicals needed for pool closing


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Oct 6, 2009
Nazareth, PA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Core-55
Although I'm still a good month away from closing my pool for the winter, I thought I'd pose some question now so that I'm fully educated when the pool service company shows up and tries pushing stuff on me that I may not need.

Since this is my first year of pool ownership, and the pool startup company needs to come back with my pool cover anyway (their little trick for insuring they get to come back for closing!), and I have never seen a pool closing process before, I figured I'd let the pool service company do it this year, but watch very attentively so I can do it in the future.

I've read some of the posts on this forum related to this subject, and it seems the only chemicals required for a pool closing is lots of chlorine to bring the pool up to shock level, and also some PolyQuat to help protect from algae through the winter. Is that it? I ask because I've seen the local pool store starting to advertise their "pool closing kits", which contains all sorts of things like "Chlor-Brite" and "Fresh-N-Clear", which I don't even know what they are - although I presume they're some form of dichlor and/or trichlor. But they also include other stuff like algae guard, metal guard, Phos-free, etc.

If I'm following the BBB method, is any of this other stuff needed?

I guess I'm just not sure how much to challenge the pool service company when they come versus just letting them do their thing this year and then next year do the mechanics myself (based on how they see them do it this year), but use my own chemicals next time.

I really want the service company to do it this year, to show me about blowing out the returns and skimmers, putting in plugs and gizmos (still not quite sure what all that is about), and finally covering and securing the tarp cover.

I figured a bit of dialogue from my new-found-friends here at TFP would guide me in the right direction so I'm ready when the time comes!! :cheers:
Bleach and Bleach...polyquat is optional and is advised to be used if you close your pool early or open it late next other words, use the poly if you anticipate your pool being closed and the water temps rise over 60 deg. Algae won't get started if the water stays below 60deg. I closed our pool last year in Oct. with FC at 16...I opened the 1st week of May to a residual FC of 7 and the water was crystal clear...except for the leaves and minor debris that came off my cover.
I guess I'm just not sure how much to challenge the pool service company when they come versus just letting them do their thing
I would definately challenge them on any chemicals they want to put in your pool.
In fact, I would tell them to only put the cover on and break down the equipment and that YOU will take care of the water chemistry.
Like you said, I would only put in chlorine and maybe...polyquat60
Thanks everyone! I especially like Poolgirl's 2nd option - threatening to inflict bodily harm!! LOL

But I think you're all right....I've spent all summer adding the chemicals "my way" and the pool service company has no right trying to do something to the contrary. I'll just ask them nicely to seal the pipes and put on the tarp, thank them very much, and let them be on their way!! Heck, I still have half of the $400 worth of chemicals (dichlor, trichlor, and pH Down) they gave me when they started up the pool in May!!
I'm sure present company excluded on those comments Matt!! :) It will be refreshing to see if the pool service company easily accepts that I'm using the BBB method, but since they are the local service dealer for one of the largest pool builders in the area, and sell of that pool builder's name brand chemicals......I'm guessing NOT!!

But I sure am glad there are others out there who do subscribe to the method, so that you can participate in this forum and help all of us!
Since 2007 I have only closed with bleach. I close in October. I open in April, and for 3 summers running still above my "min" FC. I think the key is closing once the water is cold enough and opening before it gets too warm... this may vary somewhat depending on the cover type (mine is the tarp kind...)
OK, a little step by step please.

Is this the right order to do things?
* vac and clean pool
* bleach up to shock level
* get pool company to come in and blow out pipes etc.
* open in the Spring

Do pool companies charge less for this simple service vs. a full-on closing? This is my first time closing.
Maybe draining the pool below skimmer and return line before calling pool service.

I think blowing out the line can be done pretty easily with a small air compressor. I did it for the first one this year and was shocked how easy it was.

The pool businesses operate during such a compressed window (for northern states)... they are usually really busy during open/close season. Which means they do not give discounts for anything. Most companies around here charge $500-550 for closing.

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