Trouble getting impeller off, hayword superpump

May 15, 2009
Mason, OH
Well i'm trying to get the impeller of my super pump to replace the shalf seal for the second time this year, and i can't seem to get the impeller off. I hold the shaft in the rear of the pump and try to rotate the impeller, which does rotate but does not loosen! I am turning it the right way but the things just turns and won't loosen. its driving me crazy.....any ideas what to do now? thanks

ok well after further investigation, it seems the hub is stripped off the impeller. Any ideas how to get the hub off?
Get yourself a new impeller and literally break the old one off, like with a hammer and chisel:(

It happens every so often, the shaft bonds to the threads and won't unscrew. Actually, just last week i had a Northstar impeller do the same thing and my partner suggested using the 3'4" hole saw to remove most of the impeller to allow us access to the shaft and bonded part of the impeller - it worked VERY well.

DO try to be gentle to the other parts of the back end of the housing - only wreck the impeller :wink:
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