Got bored and went to pool store for some fun......


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TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Apr 17, 2010
East Texas
Patiently waiting for my TF100 to arrive hopefully this afternoon, and thought I'd go down to the pool store for a few laughs. Had the folks that SOLD me the pool to run the numbers. Now, I knew FC was gonna be dang low as I skipped additions yesterday due to rain/cloudiness.

PH 7.8 (been working on it slowly)
FC 2
CYA 50
CC 0.0
TA 145

They give me a CC of 0.0 and tell me I need to shock it????????? Brand new pool up 2 weeks mind you. I need to shock they say "Just to get my FC up to 5-7 range". NOT because of any contaminants or anything. Go figure. I"m gonna pour in a little acid as suggested (pool school) and dump in some clorox (pool school).

They also tell me to expect to have to shock it once a week here in Texas when the water temp hits around 95 and hangs there. Any truth to that folks?

Also gotta luvit when their printed out "recommended range" for FC is 1-3 ppm..........I'm smack in the middle of that...........yet I'm "desperate" to shock it according to them even though I know it's low. I also asked what their recommended shock product would bring my FC to-------and they said 10 which was more than enuff. She's cute..............but I ain't goin' back!

COME ON FEDX TRUCK WITH MY TF 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take a look at the "never shocked" thread! There's a lot of folks that have never shocked their pools (I'm one of them). :)

Well, if she's that cute you might could buy liquid chlorine from them! Just saying! ;)
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