Ready for help if anyone is willing


Mar 26, 2010
Western Pa.
My tf-100 test kit came today, so now I am ready to start adding what is need to the pool.
If anyone is willing to walk me through the next steps I would appreciate it. We did get the filter and pump up and running last night. Here are my stats:
New ag pool, city water, fresh fill
Water temp. 54
Cl- 0
Ph- 7.2
T Alkalinity- 40
Would the first step be putting cya in? If I am reading the pool cal. right I need to add 79 oz of cya for a target of 30. This is done by putting it in a sock or stocking and hanging it in front of the skimmer opening? With such a large amount, would you do it is smaller amounts until you use all that is needed?
First thing is to get some chlorine in there. About 3½ quarts of 6% will get you started.
Then add your CYA in a sock about half of it at a time.
Then, though your pH is fine I'd bump it up a little bit.
You're probably going to bump your TA up a little too.
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