finally finished filling


Mar 26, 2010
Western Pa.
Well, the water finally reached the middle of the skimmer today. 46 hours! I didn't get to talk with the pool installers before they left the other day so I don't know if the filter is ready to be turned on. DE added, etc. They also didn't leave the manual for the pump and filter so I haven't a clue as to what to do first. I have a call out to them, but was wondering how long is it ok to leave the water sit without filtering and adding initial chemicals? Water temp is only 58.
Do you have a test kit to get levels? It's really important to have your pool chemistry levels before adding anything new. No worries though, with water that cold you won't grow too much for algae as at about 50 degrees it almost stops growing period so you have a bit of time, depending on how warm it gets in the next day or so. Have you read the Pool School topics? Good place to start!
Do you have a test kit to get levels?
I ordered the TFTestkits TF-100, but it hasn't arrived yet. Using the cheap strips that came with the pool kit, I have these readings: CL-0; ALK-40; PH-7.6
Call them. Now that the pool's full, kids will want to go swimming, even if there are ice cubes floating in it!
I have a call out to them. Hope they get back to me today. Yes, the grandkids have already decided it isn't too cold to go in! We told them they will just have to wait. Weather calling for a chance of snow flurries! Stupid weather!
Richard320 said:
Call them. Now that the pool's full, kids will want to go swimming, even if there are ice cubes floating in it!

Exactly. I've had my pool open since the end of March. I don't currently have a pool thermometer but I know it's definitely been too cold for me and the wife but the kids have averaged 3-4 days a week since day one LOL

Yesterday it was 92F outside, today it's been 72F. They just got out about 10 minutes ago (around 7:40CST), they been in since 1pm (except for eating and restroom).

Crazy kids.
Well, I talked with pool people. They are done with their part of the install. I had to go to the their store and was shown how to add the DE, etc. But, since it is only 39 degrees outside and still dropping, I don't think any swimming will be going on yet. The heater hasn't had the gas line run yet!
If you can get the pump to run... you need circulation to add the chems...

Add some baking soda to raise the TA to about 70 (Use the Pool Calculator).

Each evening, add one small jug of 6% bleach to raise the FC level in your pool, the sun will consume most of it until the CYA dissolves. (add this this morning if you haven't already - and add it regardless of the pump - use a pole/brush or something to stir the chlorine around.

Get the CYA going, use the "sock method" to add it. Post back if you aren't sure about any of this or have additional questions.

By the way, was this from a well? Do you know if there are metals in the water or may need sequesterant.
Thanks poolmom. I will see if we can get the pump started this afternoon. I bought the DE yesterday for the filter. It is only 37 degrees and snowing at the moment. Not exactly the type of weather I wanted to get a pool up and running in! Not sure I'll even be able to talk y husband into helping!
No, the water is not from a well, so I hope I don't have to worry about minerals. I should have the TFTestkit TF-100 tomorrow or Tue. at the latest and will see where I stand. Thanks for all the help.
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