Pool Build - California Dreaming - 3 Years Closer

Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

spillmar said:
Today I received a confirmation from the trading company regarding the glass tile that it is fact mesh backed and suitable for pool applications. Thanks again for the heads up.

That is good news :goodjob: It will be beautiful!
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

I was hoping someone knew whether or not I should seal the pool shell ahead of plaster with something like Aquron or the like. Also is there a sealant required of the portions of the pool shell that will not be plastered over. Any help would be most appreciated.

Btw I did purchase today 450 sq ft of the ledger stone pictured for about $1.80 per sq ft, which is about 1/3 the price of the same pre cut ledger at tile outlets. I bought the stone direct at the importer in Anaheim. It's very beautiful stone and I am really looking forward to see it installed. It is a quartz product with several hues of brown, light blue and rose color stone called Golden Sunray. The same stone will be on the columns and if left over, on the face of the raised swim up bar.

Reworking the budget and calculating the inflow of funds (all out of pocket), I think I should be ready to open the pool to swimming in March.


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Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

I am planning the install of the paver deck around the pool. I was wondering if there is a recommended number of drains that I should install around pool perimeter, if at all. I will also need to grade the lot and fill in the area behind the raised bond beam. It is a spa area raised about 18" to 24". My plan is to build a walled in area and then fill with indigenous dirt, topped with rock compact and the sand, and then install pavers. Should I be installing drains on the raised spa as well? I most likely will hire masonry sub to complete but it would be good to have an understanding as to how it's done. Any help appreciated...Anyone?
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

I had a masonry sub and a grading specialist come out this weekend to review the next phase of the pool build. The cost of grading will be rather nominal at about $400. The coping will require about 200 feet of forms that will be used twice once for interior coping of the pool and again on the outside bands that will frame or contain the paved deck per the design. The pour will require about 16 cy of pumped concrete. The raised patio behind raised bond beam will require about 40 ft of regular cinder which will be then finished off at the top with a belgard stacked block wall. The retaining walls along edge of property will be made with belgard belair split face block stacked 3 feet high. The Belgard block is called Bell Aire and can be bought here for about $3.30 sq feet of face. Each pallet has 30 sq ft face. At 10 ft wall per pallet at 3 ft height this will cost in material for a 150ft, about $1500 in block. Not bad considering it is a finished product.

As to stone and tile, as I mentioned I purchased natural quartz pre cut ledge to install all over (raised bond beam, columns, fire pit, planter wall, step risers, etc.) where appropriate to tie in the pool and future pool house. The tile as shown is a fairly high quality glass mosaic. This runs at $13 per ft at HD, $6.50 at importer, and $4 if ordered directly in quantity above 400 sq ft directly from Asia manufacturer, including shipping insurance and duties. This alone represents a savings of $2100 on the glass tile cost.

This week I will advance what I can afford as money gets tight around the holidays. I will tackle the grading as well as finishing the sunk in grill area behind the swim up bar and also dig out footing trench for retaining wall block. The paving stone lay will be another matter; it is expected that will take approximately one entire week.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Well on Tuesday I completed the grading, drainage and the raised spa. While we had the service of a backhoe and skid, we carved out part of the slope where the retaining wall will be installed, dug out the remainder of the sunken patio behind the swim up bar, trenched the sewer line to the future pool house that will run under the courtyard paved patio. What I expected to take 6 hours took twelve because I decided to also have the skid operator to take all 44 pallets of material closer to the pool site. Everything is now set to begin the finishing and deck phase. It is starting to come together quite nicely.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

spillmar said:
Any advice, comments from those who shot their pool and then realized they coulda or shoulda done something? On Thursday I intend to install the fiber optic bubblers heads in the sunshelf and the fiber optic accent spouts in the columns. Thanks again and I will take some pictures and maybe some video of the shoot. We shoot the shell on Friday or Saturday.
Spillmar, I have one commet to make about Pacific Star Construction the material used in your pool was concrete from Riverside (Alpha Materials) You Mentioned That pomona was 30min from your home Imagin A truck loaded with concrete and traveling at alot less speed putting material over 90min which is the allowable time to us concrete and the only way to work old concrete is to add water wich weekends product. I would ask for your concrete printed batch tickets which are only computer generated to ansure your product quality batch time. As for The owner of pacific Star Construction Daniel De La torre ,Dynamic Shotcrete Inc. Performed Shotcrete On His Personel Pool In Garden Grove about one year a half.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

spillmar said:
I was hoping someone knew whether or not I should seal the pool shell ahead of plaster with something like Aquron or the like. Also is there a sealant required of the portions of the pool shell that will not be plastered over. Any help would be most appreciated.

Btw I did purchase today 450 sq ft of the ledger stone pictured for about $1.80 per sq ft, which is about 1/3 the price of the same pre cut ledger at tile outlets. I bought the stone direct at the importer in Anaheim. It's very beautiful stone and I am really looking forward to see it installed. It is a quartz product with several hues of brown, light blue and rose color stone called Golden Sunray. The same stone will be on the columns and if left over, on the face of the raised swim up bar.

Reworking the budget and calculating the inflow of funds (all out of pocket), I think I should be ready to open the pool to swimming in March.
Spillmar, tile lines and area's that may come in contact with water should be water proofed. Thoro seal or a water proofer of such type.
As For the shotcrete company Pacific Star Construction Has a Bad Rap For using Shotcrete Material Loading From Alpha Mat. in Riverside and traveling down as far as San Clamente this means that by the time you apply material you are adding to much water causing the concrete to lose strenght. What PSI are you buying? How Much experience does Pacific Star Construction have Performing Shotcrete. Dynamic Shotcrete Inc. From Whittier Performed Shotcrete work on his personal Pool In Graden Grove on Francis St About One Year And a Half Ago.

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Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

spillmar said:
Any advice, comments from those who shot their pool and then realized they coulda or shoulda done something? On Thursday I intend to install the fiber optic bubblers heads in the sunshelf and the fiber optic accent spouts in the columns. Thanks again and I will take some pictures and maybe some video of the shoot. We shoot the shell on Friday or Saturday.

Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Thanks Shotcrete for the advice. I recommend each owner builder inquire and cost out shotcrete. All I can say is that Pacific was diligent, on time and responsive. They also gave me terms over 60 days to be able to pay the phase out before my steel rusted.

As for clarification the materials were from Alpha and delivered to my home (Riverside) about 6 miles away. Your points are valid and I recommend also that the pool builder perform lab strength testing or coring the shotcrete in any case for quality control. Just my two cents.

Anyway I think capitalism and competition is an owner builders best friend; Based on your joining recently under the name shotcrete101, I think it would be fair that you identify yourself as an owner builder or a supplier/vendor. It sounds based on your posts you're associated with Dynamic and did not appreciate my recommending a competitor.

I am simply here to tell about my pool build experience, acquire and where appropriate share knowledge I have learned in the process, and hopefully help others with a challenging yet rewarding process.

BTW Because of the size of my pool I was able to get the pool shell pumped for $120 per sq ft at 3500 psi. What does Dynamic charge?
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Well I just returned from Christmas vacation; went to NYC for the holiday with our two girls. Was a real blast seeing the whole city decked out for the holidays. Got to see some old friends as well.

The good thing is that we left NYC the morning of the big snow storm and missed the travel nightmares that have been reported. Makes you realize how blessed the weather really in SoCal.

However, when we returned we found out that it had rained almost non-stop while were gone. You would appreciate the following pictures. The entire deep end and the sunken bar area filled up. I would say at least 10,000 gallons had accumulated.

I rented a pump and removed the water because of the danger posed by the muddied waters; only to see it rain again all day today.

I have also included a picture of the newly graded rear of the lot which is now the staging ground of 48 pallets of material. Once the weather steadies a bit will plan to do the decking, coping, retaining walls and raised spa area as previously discussed. Still hoping for an April fill date

Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year to the TFP community!!


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Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Thanks Susa; the way you put it, I sound silly complaining. I hope all those affected by the rains a quick recovery and pray all others be spared such tragedy.

I also do feel akward in sharing our pool build project considering these difficult economic times. There are alot of folks hurting right now and I know a pool is a luxury many cannot afford in this environemnt.

Again, my goal is to share with the TFP community what I have learned during this owner build effort, and memorialize our experience without any offense or imprudence.

Let's hope that the New Year brings those struggling much relief and that the economy recovers.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

> sharing our pool build project considering these difficult economic times.

keep in mind that your effort keeps people working and any funds you spend in materials and supplies is helpful to the economy.

Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Happy New Year spillmar, just wanted to check in and let you know we're still following along. Thank you for the progress reports. It's looking amazing, even with 10K gallons of muddy water :-D

Hope you will not feel too self conscious sharing your build (although the fact that you do speaks to your character) but I "get" where you're coming from. We are hoping to renovate our kitchen this spring and although it needs it BADLY, and we've already delayed for 4 years to come up with the money, and it will take every dime we can scrape together, I sometimes still feel a twinge about doing it in such bad times.
Re: Pool Build - California Dreaming

Thanks Ashbourne. I wish you well with the kitchen remodel and appreciate the kind words on our pool build. The economy looks to turn around in the next two years; economic indicators (aside from deficit and possible inflation) look positive.

No problem, my pleasure CCP; thanks should be shared with the TFP community who have helped me along and to build enough confidence to take this project on.

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