Clean fiberglass steps underwater


Apr 3, 2007
Hi, I haven't seen this issue addresssed. If it has been, I apologize.

This spring I used a vinyl cleaner to clean my scum line and the top of my steps. It was from an auto parts store and it worked great! It worked too well!! I lowered my water to below the first step and scrubed with the stuff. Now my scum line is gone and my top step sparkles, but all steps below that look dirty - off white. It looks almost like my water is not clear. I have brushed the steps religiously, with no real help. Anyone have any ideas on how I might get to the steps to clean them without emptying three plus feet of pool water? Thanks.

I use the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. You may have some in the house already. If you don't they are available at any Target, Walmart, etc in the cleaning supplies section. Brings the steps right back to white with very little elbow grease and the Magic Eraser don't appear to mess with your pool chemistry.
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