Decorative Pool Fountain Advice


Bronze Supporter
Jun 6, 2016
Orange County, CA
This Christmas, I will be hosting a few parties at my new house. I wanted to decorate my yard with a fountain in the pool that lights up, and have seen some on this site, and at other places online. I have 3 returns in my pool that are pretty strong, however, they do not have any type of fitting for redirecting the flow or anything like that. they are simply holes in the side of the pool. Will a fountain like this work with my returns? do you guys know of a better option for a light up fountain that isn't too expensive? Ideally, this one would work because it claims that it doesn't need any batteries. I've found others that require batteries but which die after about 6 hours.
Are there any threads inside or on the outside of you return tubes? Do you have a good picture of your returns?

They do not show HOW that fountain attaches to the return so there is no way to know if it would work for your (or my) pool. It sure looks neat though!

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