Cloudy water

It's been raining A LOT, have had to increase chlorine levels to keep the pool blue during that time. I am keeping the chlorine at my normal 4 now.

pH is 7.2
CL 4

but the water is cloudy......tried to find a thread about this but couldn't readily locate one.

Will boarating the water clear this up? Never have used borates to this point, but wondered if that was the problem.

No, borates won't help. Extra FC and extra pump time will clear it. FC level is set based on CYA level and the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]. It needs to be above minimum at all times to keep the pool sanitary and algae free. Raise FC up to 50% of shock level to help clear it up. If you suspect some algae or bacteria growing in the pool you can perform the Overnight Chlorine Loss Test to check.
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