HELP Low PH and No Free Chlorine

My first blush at your numbers....

He did you no favor dumping all that CalHypo shock in the pool - your CH is way too high.

Please explain to us step by step how you got your FC/CC and TA numbers. I'm confused with a CC and TA reading that high. I'm hoping if you can explain whaypt you did we can identify a testing error.

Apparently you were able to raise your ph, in fact to the top of the range. All the shock has elevated your CYA beyond what you need for a chlorine pool. Your cc shows that you are ready to SLAM, but with that CYA and ph it will be a challenge. Doing a partial water change is advisable to drop the CYA, depending on your well it may also drop your ph. Or not. Use Pool Math for quantities, go here:Pool School - Chlorine / CYA Chart to determine what levels to hold after you have your CYA under control. You really aren't in too bad a shape, just need a little tweaking!
Here is a link to the videos. I have to refer back to them often :oops: :

CC of 10 really does seem way too high.

Also the CH is really high but your water might be the cause. In a plaster, concrete, tile ... type of pool they recommend 250-350 CH so the water doesn't leach calcium out of the grout or pool material. In a vinyl pool it just isn't needed. You might want to test your tap water to see where it's at. If it's close to 450 no reason to try and drain. If the tap is well below 450 then it's likely something from the pool store might have been added but isn't needed.

Edit: Sorry, didn't see the CalHypo shock.
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