Instructions for R-0867 MPS DEOX

Jul 29, 2013
So I was looking at the instructions for using the R-0867 with R-0870, R-0871 and R-0003 (TF100 Kit) and they are different than what the normal TF100 Instructions are.

Is that correct?

Fill sample to 25ml vs 10ml
add 1 heaping R-0870
Add 1 ml R-0867

Add -R0871 drop by drop until clear
Multiply by .2 = FC vs Multiply by .5
add 10 drops of R-0003 vs 5 Drops

If Pink add R-0871 Drop by drop again until clear
Multiply by .2 =CC vs Multiply by .5

Why the difference? Does it have to be that diff? Can i not just use existing 10ML test and add ?? ml of R-0867?
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