pump all return water through heater?

Jan 18, 2016
Tucson, AZ
Hey all, I have a question about waterflow through the heater. I have a 18k gal pool, full pentair system with TritonII sand filter. The output of the VS pump goes into the sand filter, then out of the sand filter into a 3 way valve. One output of the 3 way goes to the gas heater, the other outlet goes directly to the pool return. The outlet of the heater is plumbed also to the same pool return as the 3 way valve outlet using a T fitting. This is nice I guess since I can isolate the heater or future solar completely from the system. However, my pool builder said I should set the valve so that the heater loop and direct return are both open. This doesn't make any sense to me as I don't think in this configuration there is going to be any pressure differential to push water through the heater at all. It should be all or nothing (or am I mistaken). Maybe it's set up like this because I am pre-plumbed for solar???

Thanks guys and gals!
The pool builder's suggestion would prevent stagnant water in the heater and is good practice if you don't have an automation system. Most of the flow will go straight to the return line and some of the water will make it through the heater.

If you choose to close the heater from the loop, you'll need to circulate the water in the heater at least a couple times a week.

Take a look at THIS thread for some info on the benefits of a bypass.
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