Testing Kit and Phosphates?

Jun 13, 2015
Southborough, MA
I'm looking for an alternative to the testing strips that I've been using. Is the TFTestkits TF-100 the best "bang for the buck" kit? Is this kit more effective than the strips?

Secondly, after noticing I had some cloudiness, I decided to bring a sample to a local pool supply store for testing. My salt reading was good at 3,100 and everything else seemed fine except Cyanuric acid which was low based on the strips. The pool supply store confirmed these test results but also mentioned the phosphate level was very high (1,000).

After treating with stabilizer, they recommended treating with PhosFree to lower the level. They also mentioned a couple of capfuls of Natural Chemistry's Triple Action Perfect Weekly for weekly maintenance.

After treating with stabilizer and Perfect Weekly yesterday morning, the pool is crystal clear and the strip readings seem fine. So today, I added 1/2 dosage of Phosfree. I started poking around and it seems there are mixed views on phosphates. I also noticed that my strips and the T-100 don't test for phosphate levels which I'd prefer to do myself.

So I'm wondering . . do folks monitor phosphate levels? If so, what do you use to accurately test? Is this even necessary? Thoughts?

Thanks in advance-
Do not go back to be robbed at the pool store. You have the best possible test kit in the entire pool world, use it and you will never have any need to add magic potions to your pool.

Oh, and phosphate removers are one of the biggest removers of cash from your wallet while not doing anything for your pool water. In fact, you could pour a glass of iced tea in your pool and burn a $20 bill and still be farther ahead.
Phosphate levels are not relevant in a pool that has the proper amount of sanitizer. The folks at the pool store,p will tell your phosphates are algae food.....

I think the best analogy I heard lately was what happens if you have a wonderful buffet, all the food and drink that you like in a room filled with chlorine gas. How long will you last standing at the buffet?

We believe simple is better. Accurate testing followed up with proper sanitation makes your pool Trouble Free.
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