Making Sure


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2015
Berea, KY
About this time last year I found your forum and my pool has never looked better overall. This weekend after about four days of rain last week, I'm getting some cloudy water and a bit of algae for the first time ever. It's the first time of being 'on my own while having algae so I'm seeking some advice to make sure that I'm taking the right steps to get this stopped. First the 'stats' on the pool:

16 x 32 in ground pool with vinyl liner
FC = 6.5
CC = 0.5
CYA = 40
Ph =7.8
Alkalinity = 80

I had been keeping the chlorine in the 4.0 range and ran it up to as high as 8.5 during one test over the weekend. I ran my Dolphin cleaner on Friday night and thoroughly brushed the pool late Sunday. As I leave for work this morning there doesn't appear to be new algae on the bottom of the pool -- or the sides -- but while I can clearly still see the bottom, the water is a bit cloudy this morning still.

Anything else I need to be doing or do you think diligently monitoring the chlorine levels will work this out?

Thank you!
So nice to hear that you have not had any problems up to now. BUT it is time to step up the FC. You need to do a SLAM:

Pool School - SLAM - Shock Level And Maintain

You have algae you can see and a cloudy pool. If you do not SLAM you will have a green pool before the week is out.

The most important part of a SLAM is the M-maintain, as in maintain the FC at SLAM level for your CYA.

It should not take you long to get back to sparkles!

36 hours into the SLAM. Retested the CYA before starting with someone with better eyes than mine and determined it was closer to 30 than 40 so been working at keeping the chlorine level at 12. Running the dolphin and sweeping to get the algae out of the pool as it forms. Might be a bit better today. Don't think it is worse. Keeping the faith! ��
One of the best things you can do is take a picture looking down at the steps each day. THAT will help you see the progress the best. Your eyes will not notice the color changes day to day but the proof will be seen in the daily pictures.

Good job and keep going!

Had to SLAM a friend's pool a couple of years ago. We took a 10 foot rod and marked it every 6 inches. It worked really well to determine how much clearer the water was getting each day. As kimkats said, it's difficult if not darn near impossible to notice slight color changes. Dip the rod in, and the further you can see down on the rod each day, the clearer your water is becoming. I think I'll call it the SLAMROD!

Had to SLAM a friend's pool a couple of years ago. We took a 10 foot rod and marked it every 6 inches. It worked really well to determine how much clearer the water was getting each day. As kimkats said, it's difficult if not darn near impossible to notice slight color changes. Dip the rod in, and the further you can see down on the rod each day, the clearer your water is becoming. I think I'll call it the SLAMROD!


LOVE That idea!! So from now on your job here at TFP is to post on any SLAM threads about your invention-GC's SLAM rod!

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