Bat took a dive


Gold Supporter
Nov 6, 2015
Ok ok
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite Pro (T-15)
I have had my SWG dialed in and maintaining 5 ppm chlorine for a while, prob 7-10 days straight. This morning when I checked it it was 3 ppm. I had to get going because I had an appointment so I added 16 ounces of 10% Chlorine to bump it to 4 ppm and left. I came home just now, and tested the water and it was at 4 ppm. I went to clean my skimmer baskets and noticed there was a bat that was in one of them, probably for 24 hours or so. He was intact but pretty washed up. My question is, would one little bat be enough to make it drop 2 ppm? Reason I'm wondering is I don't want to mess too much with the settings on my SWG if it was indeed enough to make that much difference. Hate to see the little guy gone as they are mosquito eating friends.

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Hard to say. Doesn't sound like he was in the that long. That happened to me last year when I was gone over the 4th of July weekend. A bird dive-bombed my pool and wound up in the skimmer for a few days. No noticeable decomposition, just soggy.

I elevated my chlorine halfway to shock level for a little over 24 hours. I saw a small blip in CCs (pretty typical when the FC is raised) and then passed OCLT the next night. I felt after doing that even though I'm sure my daily level of chlorine was handling anything bad.
Thanks for the reply, I think I will go and bump mine up this evening. In the meantime it should be safe to swim correct?

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Thanks for the reply, I think I will go and bump mine up this evening. In the meantime it should be safe to swim correct?

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Yup, it's fine. But if you develop a strange aversion to sunlight and garlic, it's not my fault...
Yup, it's fine. But if you develop a strange aversion to sunlight and garlic, it's not my fault...

This just made me totally LOL

I've also gotten rodents in my skimmer.......actually one got stuck on the weir and took minor surgery to disengage from the weir door. I bumped my FC all the way up to shock level in my case but that was for peace of mind.
Yup, it's fine. But if you develop a strange aversion to sunlight and garlic, it's not my fault...

I am having a hard time reading this, for some reason I decided to hang from the ceiling upside down...... Hehehehe

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