Going on vacation for 5 days

May 31, 2016
Toms River, NJ
I will be going on vacation for 5 days. With a CYA of 40 and direct sun for most of the day, I'm currently adding half a bottle of bleach every day or two. I will be gone for 5 days without anyone to care for the pool, and no cover. If I bring the pool up to shock level, will it be OK for the 5 days? Or is there something else I should use?

It will probably be OK. You can add a few trichlor pucks in a floater for extra insurance, don't put it in the skimmer basket. The pucks will lower PH so don't lower PH too much if you are going to add some pucks.

Check the Effects of Adding Chemicals toward the bottom of Poolmath to calculate what a trichlor puck will add to the pool.
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