Pool getting cloudy -- need to slam?

Aug 12, 2015
Teutpolis, IL
So my pool went from crystal clear to cloudy. My daughter did have a large party -- about 20 people in the pool. It was in the evening so sunscreen was not slathered on.
Our temps this week have been so hot and my pool is in direct sunlight all day and water temp is over 90. Would love a good easy way to reduce it. Today it cooled down so hopefully water does because swimming is not enjoyable at this point

Thought at first cloudy water was just from large group of people. Watched the chlorine level and did overnight test. It came up with .5 loss overnight (sun was actually up before i managed to take sample around 8 am)
The combined chlorine is .5 or less. Went ahead and added DE to the sand filter hoping to clear the water up and let it run for a day and then had to backwash. Added more DE and then vacuumed the pool really well and then had to backwash again. So currently no DE in sand filter.

TA is currently around 130 and PH keeps on high side even if we keep adding muratic acid and was 8.2 (7.8 according to hubby as we disagree on the color/intensity).
Since the temp is so high we keep having to add tap water since water evaporates and the TA of the tap water is very high so TA goes up frequently... (tap water TA is 220-240)

The cloudiness was worse tonight so debating on slamming the pool. We are leaving town this weekend and first time we will be gone overnight with the pool so not sure what to do especially if we are in middle of slam.
So do I need to slam the pool even in OCLT and CC is ok or at the .5 acceptable level? What else can i do to correct the cloudy water?

Only thing we put in the pool since find TTP is liquid shock (10% from rural king) and muratic acid and stabilizer. CYA is about 45-50 depending on if you have me or hubby read it. Our tap water is also very hard typically though we do have a water softener it goes through. Based on our house water filter the tap water also has a high iron level as our water filter turns orangey brown shortly after changing the filter so I would not be surprised if there are metals in the water.

Before this past weekend the water was perfectly clear and now i can't see much at all.

thanks so much for the great advice!!!
Can you post a full set of test results? Including the last few FC's if you know them......

Often many raise their FC to the upper edge of the recommendation for their CYA before and after a large pool party. That way it doesn't fall below the minimum.
Our FC we try to maintain a 6. I usually dump in enough chlorine to bring it up to a 6 every evening according to pool math. When I test the water every day (always test using the drop test because have issue with color shading) after baking in the sun all day it is usually a 3 sometimes 4. It did drop down to a 1 or 2 sometime earlier in the extreme heat/sun. It has been pretty consistent at a 3 after full sun all day. When I did the OCLT test the chlorine level was a 7 right before going to bed and in the morning it was 6.5 with 0 CC that day. Today hubby added a gallon of chlorine before I tested the water thinking we would probably have to slam the pool so he added it right after he vacuumed and added the muratic acid based on the 8.2 PH from last night and to prep for slam if needed. So when I tested the water it was at chlorine was 9 and .5 CC.
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