finished converting from baquacil to chlorine


LifeTime Supporter
May 22, 2009
i found this site after i started my conversion from baq to chlorine. i have been fighting water mold for about
5 years with tee baquaicl and i finally gave up. for all the good the baq did in getting rid of the water mold, i
might just as well have just thrown my billfold in the pool. i have a fiberglass pool, 25000 gallons. i started
my conversion with 6 lbs of non-chlorine shock. it took baq reading from 31 to zero. as i said i started
conversion before finding this site , so i was converting using granular chlorine @ 4 lbs a day. in 2 days water
mold was gone and in 6 days pool was sparkling clear. i ended up using 25 lbs of granular chlorine at a cosof $75. my question is don't you think it is cheaper to convert using granular chlorine that bleach?
Yeah, usually bleach wins the price awr but seldom by much.

The other advantage is that bleach adds nothing but chlorine to your pool. I'm not sure if you used tri-chlor or di-chlor powder but they both add stuff that may or may not be troublesome for your pool water balance.
Since you have converted, do you have a good test kit to keep your pool nice and sparkly? If not, you can find the TF100 in my and other's siggies. It's made by duraleigh and is the best around! 8)
i just wanted to add that people who are struggling to get rid of white water mold
should switch as soon as possible. i have been fighting white water mold with baq
products for 5 or 6 yearsnow and it just keeps coming back. i've spent hundreds
if not thousands of dollars fighting it with baq. within 2 days of starting conversion,
water mold was gone. the water was still green but the water mold was gone.
Hi and welcome,

I know what you mean by white water mold. I had it last year along with pink water slime and algae. I spent $1400 or more from pool opening around May 1 until I converted to chlorine in Aug. According to pool store white water mold and pink slime are not due to Baquacil but environmental issues and you should brush and vacuum at least once a week (I was brushing and vacuuming everyday).

Before I got new pool I used chlorine and never got any of these problems. You will be glad you switched. Also get a good test kit as noted on this site. Well worth it.

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