Way overshot FC


Platinum Supporter
May 16, 2011
TX (~30 miles south of Dallas)
Pool Size
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-60
I am in the middle of a SLAM and somehow I way overshot the FC this morning. My CYA is at 80 so I've been targeting 31. I thought I got an FC of 24.5 this morning so I added 233 oz of 10% bleach. But now my FC is at 44 after 2.5 hrs!

Is it possible to have gotten a falsely low FC this morning if I didn't use enough powder? I can't think of what else I could have done wrong. My pool size has checked out with all my chemical additions in the past.

Also, about all I can do is wait for the FC to come down. How bad is this aside from a waste of bleach?

Finally, I was going to have one of my boys remove the lights from their niches so we can scrub inside them. This would probably involve needing to be in the pool. Do I have to wait until the FC is back down to 31?
Thanks for the reassurance. It does seem like I must have done something wrong. I was going to bed last night hopeful to pass the OLCT since at 9pm I dosed to get to 31, and it checked out right on target at 10 pm and 11 pm.

Working backwards, the 233 oz bleach should have raised me by 6.5 (but I added a few oz extra for buffer... How ironic!). That would give me a starting FC of 31 or higher. So maybe my OLCT would have come back good after all (assuming using too little regeant powder could cause a false low reading - still wondering about that.)
You've been testing your FC for a while now, so I suspect it was just an early-morning "oops". :hammer: Maybe not enough (or too much) coffee. :p Don't sweat it. The FC will fall soon and you'll be back to your SLAM FC level. But don't go in the water until the FC does drop back down to your assigned SLAM number. It will be too harsh right now.
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