New plaster or other finish?

Jun 5, 2016
Germantown TN
plaster or other for cost quote for 100 linear feet 25,000 galleon was 11,500 including base tile
seems high
plaster is smoother right
what about other finishes. We will have kids and don't want anyone hurt
cost for other finishes and are they smoother
if other than plaster can we skip tile around top?
if plaster are we responsible for scrubbing pool for days afterward? Any idea how much extra that might be?
pool built in early 90s.
We have Gunite brown spots
best time of year to save money
what happens to water where do we drain it?

We we just got house and don't have a clue
Welcome to the forum. :wave:

Plaster is easily the best completely renovates your is also the most costly( well, tile is more bit that's not really an option.

Plaster is available in many textures but the smoothest is normally the least expensive. It is still a masonry product so will be "grippy" to the is not "slick".

The waterline tile is an option but most people take the whole plunge so you end up with an almost new pool.

Paint, is an option (probably a couple thousand) but it absolutely inferior and you should plan on redoing a paint job in jusr a couple of years where plaster can easily last in excess of 10 years and beyond if you manage your water chemistry correctly.

I can't help you with the drain....that's a local issue but many people are able to pump it out of the pool and water the grass with it.

Plaster is a pricey choice but it is clearly the superior choice.
Standard white plaster without anything added is probably the least expensive. Many pools today upgrade to a aggregate finish such as PebbleTec.

We did PebbleSheen which is one of several types of pebble finishes that PebbleTec offers. Here in the Tampa Bay, FL area, it seems that for new pools, a aggregate finish is starting to become the norm. We are very, very happy with the PebbleSheen finish and have 7 kids swimming regularly. It seems to be a nice compromise between style, looks, smoothness and a long warranty.

Most of the big pool builders in my area do a aggregate finish by default and don't even offer the standard white plaster. Others offer it in their marketed "free upgrade package". In the end, I think they probably find that their customers are happier with the finish now and later and thus they either include it in the cost or push the upgrade as a extra. It is also easier for them to just offer one product from a time, scheduling, profit perspective.
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