Cloudy Water will not clear up

Oct 10, 2011
I opened my pool up this year to find a nice clean water and no cya detected. I of coarse added somecya and shocked the pool for a few days with a cya of 30. All was well and as I am under a tree canopy I have to constantly vac the leaves off the pool.I may not have been as diligent as I should have been as the water turned cloudy. I have shocked and vaced and scrubbed to no avail. I have read that some chemical that clumps the small particles together will enable these fines to be picked up and cleared out by the sand filter. A clarifyer I believe is what it was called. Or a floc can be used also. I never had to do this before but maybe something has changed? I also wonder if I have developed channels in the sand bed and need to clean the sand to eliminate that problem. I do not know about the sand things I read as everyone has a different take oln that. some say you never need to change your sand and others say you do. I guess there is a way to clean the sand in place also. I have also read that the small particles tend to be in the bottom layers of the water and they therefore do not get filtered out and just stay on the bottom. So I put the vac hose on the bottom and let the water pick up from there for a night and it does not seem to be helping with one overnight period.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks Jim
Hello Jim. You are correct that sand should never need to be replaced unless it was compromised with a chemical. The cleaning you are referring to is noted on the Deep Cleaning a Sand Filter page. For the cloudiness, I suspect it's an algae bloom, but we would need to see a full set of test results from your TF-100 or Taylor K-2006 test kit to confirm. If you could post those results that would be great.
Let's start with some test results.

About 80% of the filtration issues we see aren't filtration problems, but chemistry, so let's play the odds and see what yours looks like.

It may well be that you still have a low grade algae bloom going on and you've reached a stalemate. You're killing algae -- hence the cloudiness -- at the same rate it's reproducing, so you have a never-ending supply. You filter out what you've killed while at the same time more is being grown and then killed to cloud the water with their dead bleached carcasses. The water will never clear up if you keep adding more and the first suspect is the filter. But the filter could be working perfectly as hard as it can. Nothing can ever filter out the last of an endless supply.

Test results, please. And what test kit you used to get them.
Thanks Jim. Your elevated CC tells us your pool is struggling to expend CC in the water. Your numbers are in a perfect position to start a "SLAM" (link below). All you would have to do is increase FC to 12 and test frequently to maintain it until you pass the 3 SLAM criteria. If you've never done it before, I would recommend the deep cleaning of the sand filter as noted on that link above. That should help the process along as well.
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