Pristine Blue User (Copper Based) instead of chlorine

Hey that's great, glad it's working well for you, and welcome to TFP! I understand the Romans used copper in their baths, but personally I prefer safe and effective modern technologies that pose no risk to my pretty new plaster or to what little is left of my blonde hair.
We are camping for a week and the kids have been swimming a few days. We have noticed the white on our new swimsuits getting colored and I swear I see a tinge of green in my daughter's hair.

I am suspect of how they are keeping the pool clear, but starting to suspect copper :(
I just wrote this a few minutes ago regarding copper based algaecide, but it also applies to copper mineral systems:

Let me add one other thing to what has already been said, we strongly advise NOT using any copper based algaecides, they can cause stains in the pool, blond hair to turn green, and worst of all while they are somewhat effective at controlling algae, which is visible to the naked eye, but they do little or nothing to control bacteria and viruses so can make you assume clear water equals safe water which may not be the case. With properly chlorinated pools which do not have copper algaecide products in them, we can use the lack of algae as a proxy for the effectiveness of the chlorine against bacteria and viruses, since chlorine is roughly equally effective against most viruses and bacteria as it is against algae. Of course like CYA the only way to remove copper from a pool is through water replacement.
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