Pool maintenance app reviews

I am looking for reviews of pool maintence apps for tracking pool maintence and calculating pool chemistry.
I have found several references to apps but only one that was actually reviewed. Here is a list of the apps that come up most frequently:

Insta-link - free app but requires a "subscription" and purchase of proprietary test strips - major complaints are difficultly connecting to website, inconsistent chem readings, & having to reorder strips.

Others are:

Pool Doctor
Pool Calculator
Pool Boy Pro
The Pool Monitor Free
NSPF Suite of Apps
Pool Smart
Swim University
Pool $mart (The cutsie name is enough to make me want to steer clear - but if it's a great app...)

If anyone has experience with, or knows something about these apps, or can recommend an easy-to-use app for a highschool chem dropout - I'd be grateful!
Hi Laurie,
unless you know the chemistry behind the app and trust it, then the app is worthless. At least to anyone who understands the science it is.

We here at TFP base our pool maintenace regimen on sound science. Only Pool Math is recommended and it's sacry accurate. I'll be surprised you find any reviews here at TFP of the apps you listed, because we just don't use them.
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