Super low FC and CYA

Unfortunately that is not one of the recommended kits. I do have a link in my signature to TFTestKits, or a Taylor K-2006 will do as well.

When you get your kit post a full set of numbers and we will go from there. :)
Welcome to TFP!

Based on the info you have provided so far the most likely scenario is that you have algae growing in your pool consuming your chlorine as fast as you are adding it, and the sun is also consuming it rapidly. To clear algae from your pool we use this process, Pool School - SLAM - Shock Level And Maintain. To perform a SLAM you need an FAS/DPD chlorine test. The best way to get that is to order a TF100 with XL option from I have been buying my test kits there for years.

While you wait for the kit add a gallon of bleach to the pool daily and brush. And read this, Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry and this, Pool School - Getting Started
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