Question - Mats under pool and pavers under legs


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Jun 26, 2015
Concord, CA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-30 Plus
I know I have another thread going with the progress of the pool, not sure if questions get lost in that though...the mods can tell me if multiple threads are a no-no

Anyways, I saw suggestions about using the Harbor Freight Anti-Fatigue mats under the pool and went out and bought a bunch of them, but searching I can't find anything about if I should tape them together.

Also I have the Ultra-frame round pool, last time just had the legs on the ground, but I have bought the 12"x12" pavers to put under the legs. Are these good/necessary? And do I cut away the mat from where the legs go, or can it be ground ->mat -> pavers.

Maybe I am over thinking this?
Yes the pavers are necessary, otherwise the legs tend to sink in the ground. Several of mine were 3" below grade by the end of last season. I would cut out the mats where the pavers go, in an attempt to keep the top of the pavers and mats at nearly the same level. Yes, I would tape the mats together.
Well I did put the mats under my pool. They turned out great. Still had lots of cushion while walking in the pool. I was actually shocked. I was not expecting that much cushion with all that water on top. I think I needed up buying 16 packages of 4. I cut around where my pavers are located. Then after pool was up and filled I went around and trimmed the over hang off.
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