I think I have a MAJOR leak...


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Aug 25, 2011
Northville, Mi
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Okay - busy with work so I could do yesterday was pull the cover and throw the robotic cleaner in (dolphin m4). The water level was to the brim so I put our cheap little pump in and pumped off the water to around the top of the skimmer. Unplugged the pump but left it in the water.

When I get up this morning, the water is about 2 inches below the skimmer! First though is if we had a leak, we wouldn't have had to pump water off. Second thought was maybe there was just some siphon action going on from the pump, which I removed.

Threw the hose in and turned it loose. Two hours later, it's come up a bit, okay - so far so good. 2 hours after that - it hasn't moved and it's still not even to the skimmer.

The plugs are all in still, so it can't be the plumbing. Could the robot have messed with the main drain? Or did it tear the liner somewhere? And what do I do? The water is dirty because a bunch of debris fell in it from the cover so I can't visually see anything.

That stinks. The bad part is that if your water is green & yucky, there is not much you can do when you can't see the suspected area that may be damaged. Was it the robot? Maybe. Maybe during cleaning it grabbed something and it tore. Or maybe when the submersible pump hit the floor it did something? Hard to tell until you can see it. If it was a slow leak I might suggest SLAM, clear the water and refill as needed for repairs. But if it's leaking as fast as you say, you may have no choice but to let it drop and fix it when you can see/clean the area. Maybe someone else will have a better option for you. Sorry.
Well...it appears that the actual problem may have been a hose running a lot slower than last year for some reason! And it's possible to get a siphon action going through 50 feet of hose to continue unpowered!! Looks like I'm good!
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