1.5 inch IPEX piping -- what SWG can I use ?


I have an 80,000 litre (21000 gallon) pool which is almost 30 years old. The system runs with 1.5 inch "IPEX" pipes (I believe these are PVC but am not sure). I am looking to convert to a SWG, but it seems that the IC40 unit I am looking at connects to 2 inch "PVC" pipes. What are my options ?

Second question - the previous owner of this house told me the pool is 80000 litres (approx. 21000 gallons). It seems that 20,000 gallon is a standard size, so I'm wondering if the previous owner simply rounded up to 80,000 litres when in fact the pool really is 20,000 gallon. SO, the questions is. do I need the IC40 unit or would the IC20 unit be large enough for my pool ?

thanks, Ron
Hi Castelle,
We would recommend the IC40, or any other cell that is at least 1.5x the size of your pool. Larger cell = longer life.
As a rule of thumb, the larger the cell the longer it will last, because it doesnt hvae to work as hard.

As for the piping, you can use the IC 40, use put a reducer between the output of the cell and your existing pipe.
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