Intex LED Fountain ... help adding 2nd Intex return

Apr 29, 2013
Greetings everyone.

I just upgraded from a 14' intex to a 16' intex. this one seems much better than the 14' model. I like how it has dual outlets. So I purchased this fountain : Intex Multi-Color LED Pool Fountain for Above Ground Pools, Fits Metal Frame and Ultra Frame Pools : Patio, Lawn Garden , but much cheaper. I went to install it and was disappointed to see that it doesn't allow you to install this as well as the return. Sorry for the now my question. Does anyone know if you can have a dual return on an intex? Or will I need to run two pumps to do this?

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I made it myself with parts from Lowe's actually (they had a better selection than Home Depot).

The only problem is that the Intex hoses have a slightly different thread pitch on the collars than the PVC fittings. So you have to put an extra 1/8" rubber gasket in there to keep it from leaking. But once you do that and tighten it down, it is leak free.

Here's what I used:


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Okay, I finally got my fittings to stop leaking. How I did it, was by putting on a LOT of teflon tape as well as plumbing dope. I know it's not really made for this situation, but it was the only thing that stopped the leaking. Like I said before, I hate plumbing and my results aren't too pretty.



Woohoo did it and so far no leaks! The intex hoses screw on to 2" PVC threaded ends. Between the hose connection and the 2" PVC you'll need a rubber gasket to fill the gap. I used a bath shoe gasket from Home Depot and cut it down to size. Then use a 2" to 1.5" reducer to attach 1.5" PVC. Thread tape and hand tighten everything real well and so far so good!

First photo shows what you will need except for 1.5" PVC pipe, PVC glue, and thread tape. In the center of the photo is the full size bath shoe gasket in the packaging and one to the right where I cut it down to size including the piece above that I cut off.





PVC ball valve open all the way and Intex return plunger open all the way.

PVC ball valve open all the way and Intex return plunger open half way.
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