I can't decide so help!


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Mar 21, 2015
Corpus Christi, Texas
Should I pay a leak detection service $800 to fix an underground repair below the concrete deck? It comes with a 5-year warranty. (I've already paid them $200 to find the leak).


Should I let my completely incompetent PB attempt to fix it? (for free, under warranty--pool is about 6 months old) I've been calling them for 2 months almost daily to come and find this leak and they just now said they've gotten the time to do it.

American Leak Detection out of Houston is the company that came out and found the leak in a very timely fashion. They are scheduled to do the repair next week by digging under the deck with no concrete destruction.

If I decide to let the PB do it, it may take 2-3 months or more if his past history is any indication.

I'm not independently wealthy, I just have some savings saved up. I'm torn.

What would you do?

I wish that I could post a poll!
What a situation. It bugs the heck out of me when customer service comes to something like that. PB got their money, so "we'll get to it when we can get to it". Unfortunately, in many cases, you get what you pay for. I feel for you. I guess if the leak is not extremely bad, hold the PB's feet to the fire. Make them fix what they are liable for. In the future, if something goes bad again after the warranty, you can always call ALD back based on their excellent response and customer service. Just be up-front with ALD and thank them for their professionalism. The PB shouldn't be able to just walk away from this one.
Just an idea that *might* prompt the PB: Could you say you understand how busy they are, but you're losing money and enjoyment due to this leak and knowing how busy they are would they like to just pay the leak company the $800 to fix it for them?

<shrug> You never know?? :poke:
It seems to me that since the builder couldn't get it right the first time, he probably won't get it right the second time, either. How was he about delays during construction? Is he likely to show up, cut out a section of deck, drain the pool down, cut some pipes, and then disappear for a few weeks leaving you with a mosquito breeding pond? How is it that he couldn;t find time during the slow season but he can now just when everyone is opening and discovering problems?

I'd hate it, but I'd pay it myself and tell the pool builder he had his chance.
Thanks for the advice and the shoulder to cry on.

Yippe, I suggested to send him a bill and he declined

Texas and Richard--This is the worst PB in the history of PB's, I assure you. It took them 8 months to finish my pool. Many many weeks and months of not showing up at all or showing up and working an hour and leaving. I could see this repair dragging on for many months too, and I'm just sick of it.

I'm leaning toward keeping my appointment with ALD for now and seeing if the PB does anything in the meantime.

Thanks for the advice. That's why I love this place, the good feedback is invaluable!
This is a hard one to answer without knowing the details of the leak, the placement under the slab, how far they would have to dig in, etc. What this all comes down to is labor, we are talking about less than $5 in materials to fix the leak. The other thing to consider is if you let the PB slide this time, what do you do about the next leak, and the one after that.


p.s. you are lucky the leak detection was that cheap, living out here in the middle of nowhere (nearest lead detection company is in Lafayette, LA 100 miles away) the cost starts at $350 and there may be up to a 3 week wait before their route brings them back to my area. (I have been forced to use them 3 times for my pool because the PB used DWV drain elbows not pressure elbows when the pool was built 36 years ago)

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WOW Isaac, you are right. $200 is nothing compared to that. The ironic part is that ADL is based in Spring, TX which is four hours away from me. But I guess they have enough work here to keep them coming back every 2-3 weeks.

So the nature of the leak is that it is under the concrete decking but about halfway in (the deck in this area is 4 feet, so about 2 feet in). Yeah, it's all labor for sure. I do want the guarantee also. He said he could do it without having to go through the concrete, which means a lot of digging to get to it underneath
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