Good news after 12-20 inch rains re pool


Silver Supporter
Aug 28, 2012
Houston, TX
Hello to all,

After a good over-flow of mulch and garden soil run-off into the pool, she's as clear as can be and has been since Wed after the Monday Houston rains. We ended up w a total of 16", and 5-6" from 415AM - 6AM that morning.

My CYA was 40-45, so I brought the FC to 20 and the pH to 7.2-7.3 What's been great that is w all the rains and aeration, including the spa spillover and scuppers, my pH has only risen to 7.4 [above 7.2 but below 7.5]. I think my TA and pH are now in equilibrium, HOW COOL. I have not had to add any acid since I did so on Monday. I have also not added any CL either. I am still above FC = 5+. I'll do so more testing tomorrow, but the water looks great and w all the rains, I have nicely lowered my CH too. I have 6 gallons of 8.25% CL in the garage so I'm set for the next month+. I'll make sure it stays cool.

Thanks again for everyone's help and support...check for donation/support on the way....regards, tstex
Thank you guys. The more I read posts, do my own testing and then research it, then the info and dynamics of it start to stick...pat, our water temp is still in the low 70's, but we went in yesterday and those of us that were not fully awake, were fully awakened...but, pretty refreshing. :)
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