First time pool opening


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2014
NW Ohio
I pulled the cover off my pool a couple weeks ago, we've had some cooler temps but the forecast calls for 50s-70s the next 10 days. The water was clear when I pulled the cover off, I threw in a gal of bleach then we had the cooler temps 30s-40s, ran the pump for about 24hrs
Now the water is a little cloudy, and the water level is high, about to the top of the skimmer intake. I was hoping to vacuum and direct the water to waste, so my filter doesn't get plugged up so fast.
Should I just drain some water? Run the pump,, balance the water,, then vacuum? I'd like to get the water clear (would require running pump), so I can vacuum and see the bottom,,, I can see the drain covers so it isn't super cloudy but I won't be able to really see the dirt on the floor very good.

I have the recommend TPC balance water kit, should I take a sample and run the pool school numbers,,, add the chemicals,, run the pump (with the water kind of high),, then vacuum to waste?
Since your water is high, and you have muck in the pool, I would vacuum to waste first which takes care of two birds right away, plus you don't lose chemicals. After the vacuuming, set back to filter, adjust levels (SLAM if needed) and set filter back to "filter". After adjusting levels, if you're still not sure, post those numbers back here and/or do an OCLT.
First things first: you have to have water circulation to mix things well before you test or treat the water.

If right now you can see crud on the floor and the water level is high, certainly vacuum to waste as part of that. With a cartridge filter, it's going to be a mess, most likely. If you have some way of pumping water overboard before it reaches the filter, you're a lucky man. If not, then you can remove the filter drain plug and let it run out everywhere while you vacuum.

Once the water level is right and it's had some filter time to mix, then test it all and see where you're at. If CH or CYA is super high, you'll need to replace more water. If CYA is low, you'll want to leave it low until you're done with the SLAM process before raising it. If CYA is non-existent, finish the tests and post results and we'll walk you through the next step.

But definitely remove any debris you can see and get the water level right and the water circulating before you start testing and treating.
Ok,, thanks,, I did the plumbing, and I do have a jandy 3 way, from the pump - either to waste or to the filter. I will get the pump going and do the vacuuming, at least the big stuff (it actually isn't too bad),, then take a sample after running it for 24hrs or so.
WHen you guys say SLAM,, is that those packets or is there something better to slam with? About how much for a 24k gal pool?
Ok,, thanks,, I did the plumbing, and I do have a jandy 3 way, from the pump - either to waste or to the filter. I will get the pump going and do the vacuuming, at least the big stuff (it actually isn't too bad),, then take a sample after running it for 24hrs or so.
Let me rephrase that... If you have some way of pumping water overboard before it reaches the filter, you're a lucky man. smart man.
you're a lucky man. smart man
In hind sight, I wish my builder did that as well. I was new, didn't know any better. First time I have to break my system open, I'm doing it as well. Not that I would need it often, but it's a great idea.
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