Hayward Vacuum not working correctly


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2014
Palm Desert, CA
Our Hayward vacuum usually works great. We had a big windstorm and it started moving slowly and staying in the deep end of the pool. My husband checked all the hose sections were clear, checked pump basket was clear (including the pipes coming into and out of pump basket), and we cleaned the big filters. It seems to have gotten a little faster but is still staying in the deep end, and speeds up and slows down as it makes it's way around (stopping then lurching forward). He has checked the feet and there seems to be no obstructions (had new feet put on last year). Any ideas what else we can look for? THANKS
Can you post a model number or picture of the vacuum... it sounds like something is stuck in the suction side that is limiting the flow... can you get a snake down the pipe?

Is the pressure on your filter the same as before?
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