Pool School SLAM - Indicator and Reagent


TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jan 4, 2016
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
Just a minor suggestion... I notice from reading SLAM threads that people often run out of indicator and reagent, so my suggestion is to edit Pool School - SLAM - Shock Level And Maintain - first line under Prerequisites. "You need to have a FAS-DPD chlorine test", including a backup refill of FAS reagent and DPD powder.

I tried to keep it simple, though I realize this would vary a lot. Having not done this, I based it on a few SLAM threads. A rough range looked like around 15-20 tests and 30-50 drops per test. Refills are cheap enough that it could be helpful to remove the worry of running out while the person is in the middle of the SLAM.

Thanks again for all the great advice and knowledge here at TFP.
I see what you are saying as this is the THE test being used for the SLAM.

I will say when I know someone is going to do a SLAM I suggest they get the TF-100 XL for this reason..........more of what they will need to get them through the SLAM. There is no way the Taylor 2006 will have enough of the test to get through a SLAM.

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