Presentation card


In response to the invitation that makes me leebo, whom I appreciate your welcome; I would like to introduce myself to all those people on the forum, my name is Jose Angel Reyes, I'm originally from Zacatecas, Mexico. I studied chemical engineering career and have the specialty in water treatment, and devoting more than 15 years in this area.

I own an office of engineering in water treatment equipment and also I've NSPF CPO.

In one of my online information searches I went into your forum and found it fantastic, the way how is leading issues pools as well as many demonstrate mastery in the subject. I am at your service with the best encouragement to learn and share experiences and knowledge.

Greetings to all.

P.S. My English is very bad, it's something I'm trying to perfect, so I sue for patience and apologize if my writing is not good. I will do my best to avoid misunderstandings. Please feel free about correct me because otherwise never get better.

From one Chemical Engineer to another welcome to this site! It is a great place to just find an easy practical way to maintain your pool in superb fashion. I've also found there are impressive technical experts in every technical aspect of pools from water chemistry to automation and everything between. Perfect for the inquisitive engineer!

Best regards,

I'd like to welcome you to TFP. I understood you well. I only know a few curse words in spanish I'll keep to myself. Lol I have a bestie who's Dominican and she is as wild as I am. :mrgreen: