Why do you post?


TFP Expert
Platinum Supporter
Aug 4, 2014
San Clemente, CA
This was something that came to mind after very odd looks from my wife whenever she sees me typing away on this forum. I didn't really have an answer. There are several people on the forum that have nearly 100X the posts that I do, so that makes me question this even more.

So...why do you post?
Yep, I get some looks from my wife sometimes too. Because TFPC is great, cheap and easy. TFP helped me love my pool. I love how easy it is to care for now and how amazing the water is, always. So, I guess I am paying it back/forward to help other people have easy to care for troublefree pools. My wife also loves our pool and how perfect the water always is so she doesn't mind. Especially since I do all the pool care.
Funny you should ask this....

Just today I was contemplating TFP in the grander scheme of the inter-webs and it always strikes me how active this forum is. I'm on a gardening forum, a coffee forum and TFP. And I can tell you that this is the only one where I can not only find lots of interesting threads to read everyday but also the only one where users, mods and admins post so frequently (and helpfully). Maybe it's a scale-thing in the sense that there are millions (?) of pools out there and it costs so much to own one that there's just a naturally large audience but that doesn't explain the quality of the postings here.

I can say why I post - I like to help others and I like to learn. I always learn something new on TFP and I am happy to share what little I know to further the conversations. There are two children's book called "Stone Soup" and "The Little Red Hen" that each of my kids loved to read. My 1st grader's class spent the week reading them and finished the week by baking bread and making "stone soup". The lessons in those books are something we, as adults, forget but they are timeless - "Stone Soup" teaches the value that everyone has something to contribute and, when we do all contribute, the end result is wonderful. "The Little Red Hen" teaches that each, in his own way, should help out and, when you do help out, the benefits to you far exceed the efforts you put in (and those that don't help should not expect to enjoy the bread ;) )

TFP is a lot like those stories....
Thanks Matt. You've been busy since you've joined and got your promotion. I am always amazed at the wealth of knowledge crammed into each of your posts. Some of the information is very random in that it makes me question how many previous lives you've had and things you've done.

Something like this?

:punkrock: or :super: or :batman: ????

You have answered my questions once or twice (but not more than that ;)).
I've gotta say once again, I LOVE this thread and the replies its received so far! I wish to personally thank each of you that support TFP in any way as each of you are what makes this forum tick. The assistance each of you gives to other members daily shows me just how amazing the members of this site truly are. I've seen threads where members drove over two hours to "donate" some reagent when a member ran out during a slam all the way down to a simple "you can do this" post given to a frustrated member trying to clear their pool. The members of TFP truly are an amazing bunch!

While I don't post much anymore I can say why I'm here. I watched family struggle for over 15years dealing with poor water chemistry as they blindly followed the pool stores advice. This advice led them to think Baquacil was the best product ever and that chlorine was simply too much work. They dealt with poor water quality and spent thousands of dollars over these 15years simply because they didn't know better. Several years ago I took over caring for their pool and found TFP while searching for help as I knew little about water chemistry. The members here held my hand as I converted their pool from Baqua to chlorine then continued to assist me to learn about the day to day basics of pool care. The effort of these members inspired me to continue to assist others however I can so that they too can enjoy their pools just as we do now. Still to this day I smile greatly when a member has that "ah ha" moment when learning TFPC and you can tell they now "get it." I know the members of the forum just improved that persons life by teaching them pool care. This person is now able to enjoy the water with their families rather than struggle with a green swamp. It's an honor to be a small part of this amazing bunch.

Ps......I won't lie......I loved the "Little Red Hen." :)
Thanks Matt. You've been busy since you've joined and got your promotion. I am always amazed at the wealth of knowledge crammed into each of your posts. Some of the information is very random in that it makes me question how many previous lives you've had and things you've done.

Something like this?

:punkrock: or :super: or :batman: ????

You have answered my questions once or twice (but not more than that;)).

Well, Brian, your posts are always a teaching/learning experience for me. Whenever I see someone struggling in a pool build thread I always think to myself, "should I PM Brian or is he going to catch this one...." You usually catch them all and I always enjoy the read....


PS - My S.H.I.E.L.D status will have to remain classified for now.....
Well, I post mostly to seek the seasoned advice of people like you guys, but I also like to ooh and ahh over other people's builds and encourage those going through the process. It seems like not everyone can appreciate what it takes to build a pool or maintain one to the high yet simple standards promoted here, but most everyone here is on the same page, so it makes sharing really gratifying.

So thanks to everyone who contributes and makes this site what it is! I can say without a doubt, that we would not have entertained an owner build if it had not been for this friendly and helpful site.
Well, I post mostly to seek the seasoned advice of people like you guys, but I also like to ooh and ahh over other people's builds and encourage those going through the process. It seems like not everyone can appreciate what it takes to build a pool or maintain one to the high yet simple standards promoted here, but most everyone here is on the same page, so it makes sharing really gratifying.

So thanks to everyone who contributes and makes this site what it is! I can say without a doubt, that we would not have entertained an owner build if it had not been for this friendly and helpful site.

Well Jamie, your pool will be completed before you know it and then, whenever I see owner/build questions, I know exactly the right seasoned expert to send them to .... ;)

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Well Jamie, your pool will be completed before you know it and then, whenever I see owner/build questions, I know exactly the right seasoned expert to send them to .... ;)

"Seasoned" as in lots of battle scars from all the bumps and stresses along the way! But I can deal with that, if all ends well. :)
Just today I was contemplating TFP in the grander scheme of the inter-webs and it always strikes me how active this forum is. I'm on a gardening forum, a coffee forum and TFP. And I can tell you that this is the only one where I can not only find lots of interesting threads to read everyday but also the only one where users, mods and admins post so frequently (and helpfully).


You made me look - I keep six different forums open on my computer all the time -

* Two Camping at Disney/Fort Wilderness forums
* A Sandals Resorts forum
* A Fiat X 1/9 (antique Fiat) forum
* A Home Inspector forum

I'm lucky in that all of them are extremely civil, but none are as active as TFP.
Thanks Tim, are you as active on the others are you are here? If you have an equal amount of knowledge on the other topics as you do on this forum, you must have an external hard-drive for your brain.
Nope, not as active on those. The Disney forums I'm usually answering questions, the Sandals & Fiat forums its 50/50, and the home inspector forum I'm there to learn - those guys are amazing with their building knowledge (no, I'm not an inspector).

As an example, here is my Disney camping web page Fort Wilderness

It needs work as a few of my links are broken.
I built my own pool. During that, I discovered the old "Poolforum". The knowledge there (from which came TFP) made so much sense to me. I was captured by the common sense approach to the chemistry.

In 2007, SeanB started this website and I realized I knew a lot of the answers because I had asked so many questions.

I think we all like to "know the answer" and then help people with it. Seeing the light come on for all the newbies is incredibly rewarding.

Perhaps the most satisfying posts are the "Thank You! My pool is absolutely sparkling" ones. Nothing defines our mission better than that.

So, I post because it's fun to "know the answer" but even more fun when people apply the advice they have been given and the results are so fantastic.
I don't post much as I'm still new and learning however I have extensively been a "lurker" creeping around anonymously for a while. There are great people here and I know I'm grateful for everyone that has posted and contributed to this site. As the confidence in my knowledge grows, I'm sure I'll post more as I'd at least like to give back to this site what I've gained. Like Leebo said, this site vastly effects the lives of many people who would otherwise be victims or prey of contractors pool stores, etc.
I came looking for help...............I had "lost" one pool to the pool store. "Bad" water because of pool store lead to liner "rotting" out so took pool down. When hubby wanted another pool I told him ONLY if he would find a way for me to take care of it. He found TFP! I stay because I love helping people.

Matt those two stories are the corner stone fo my classroom! I read them and we discuss them within the first week of school every year (it has been 31 years!)

I dont post much yet but the reason I read and appreciate is because I love the person to person sharing of what works and what doesnt
I own a number of Auto Enthusiast forums and host more forums and websites. The reason I keep some of them up at my own expense is because of the value of shared knowledge.
The value to me, of being able to learn direct from users, what works and what doesnt, is really high.
This forum is very civil and well moderated.
Since Im relatively "handy" and relatively impatient. The knowledge here and an Amazon prime account have allowed me to learn about and fix issues w my new pool.
I actually learned of the site from the Pool inspector that looked at the pool before we bought.

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