Hayward Super Pump Priming Issue


Sep 23, 2015
St. Louis, MO
Hello. I am new to this forum and am in need of some help. I just completed construction of an in ground pool and am having difficulty getting the pump to prime. I have had pools in the past, all above ground, but this is my first in ground. My Hayward 27in sand filter and super pump are located about 15ft from the front edge of the pool and is installed above the water line approximately 5ft. IN order for me to prime the pump, I have to shove a hose into the throat of the skimmer, close off the center drain, loosen the cover on the pump and when water begins to leak out of the cover, start the pump and slowly open the center drains and the pump will prime. I then open the center drains all the way, tighten the cover on the pump and remove the hose from the throat of the skimmer. Good to go until I shut off everything to backwash. As soon as I move the valve to backwash, I loose water out of the pump. When I depress the handle of the valve, you can hear water rushing out of the filter. Seems that the water is draining back into the pool from the skimmer and floor drains. Would a check valve in line with the pump stop this? (Say from the discharge of the pump to the filter) Is it something to consider? Not sure what the problem is. I have read other priming issues on this forum and have not really found a solution for my issue.

Thanks a bunch!
Hello and welcome to TFP! Others may respond differently, but because your problem is related to losing prime to the pump, I'm going to focus my reply on the suction side. I suspect your situation is exasperated by the fact you have a 5ft incline to deal with. A suction-side check valve may help, although even if you had a check valve on the suction side, just before the pump/basket for example, (mine is that way - see "My pool" link below), it might help keep the pump basket full, but I'm assuming some of the water from the skimmer 15' to that point would probably flow back to the pool. But maybe by keeping the pump basket itself full, that will help the initial pull to get the water back up from the skimmer. Are you sure your skimmer weir is operating correctly? While they don't have a water-tight seal (backwards), when the pump is off you would hope it would close and stop some of the backflow. I'm having difficulty believing that water loss from the pressure side would effect prime. But I wanted to chime-in, give this post a bump-up for more visibility, and see what others have to say about your situation. Lots of pump and plumbing experts in TFP, so maybe there's another angle we're missing. I hope you get your problem resolved soon. Have a nice day.
I agree with Pat...get a check valve in there as close to the pool as possible in order to 'store' as much water as possible into your pipe.

What is the size of suction line pipes? 2" You might want to increase the size of the pipe going into the pump so it holds more water thus making it much easier for your pump to prime.

One other thing is even though the pool is new, you need to check for suction air leaks. Your pump could also be sucking in too much air from somewhere. See here: Pool School - Suction Side Air Leaks
Welcome to the forum!

I just completed construction of an in ground pool and am having difficulty getting the pump to prime

How long ago was the pool completed? If very recently I would think the PB would be on the hook to fix the problem. You should not be having to jump through hoops to get the pump primed on a new pool.


It would also be helpful if you would put the particulars about your pool in your signature. You can do that by clicking on "My Profile" at the top right of the page then click on the "About Me" tab and add it into the signature block.
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