Help with blowing out lines


Active member
Jul 13, 2015
Independence, KY
We had 2 different companies comes the last 2 years and close our pool. We took notes and wanted to start doing it ourselves. First question is: should we drain the water down a little? I thought it would be safe to drain below the skimmer, which we did, but both pool guys did not drain at all. We drained yesterday and sucked all the water out of the skimmer with a shopvac and put in the Gizzmo. Is this ok?

Second thing: we blew out the return lines and skimmer just fine. When we tried to blow the main drains (8' deep) we didn't see any air bubbles coming out. We ran the blower for a long time 2 different times, still nothing. We went ahead and poured antifreeze in the lines and blew that in a little. Is this ok? I am worried about pipes freezing.

I am also second-guessing myself on whether the bottom drain line is open or closed. Is the valve normally running with the pipe to be open? That's what I thought all this time.

Also, I only have 1 valve that controls the main drains. I do not have a valve to shut off the skimmer or anything else.
You should get air bubbles from the main drain for at least 30 seconds before closing the MD valve. Main drains require pressure more than air flow to blow them out. Shopvacs have great air flow but sometimes can't sustain pressure. If you have a compressor, you could try to hook that up to a drain opening on your pump and have only the MD valve open to try to blow it out with pressure.

If you can post a picture of the bottom drain valve in it's current position, we might be able to help you better.

I am also second-guessing myself on whether the bottom drain line is open or closed. Is the valve normally running with the pipe to be open? That's what I thought all this time.

Please post some pictures of the main drain configuration at equipment pad. If you have some "post it notes', then place on all 4 directions as A, B, C, & D. Then we can explain which letter is on and off, etc. I see that you have an I-Phone. Please take a picture with your phone. Send an e-mail to your computer and download to desktop. Then sign in and upload the file. "Insert Image" is the 4th Icon to the right of the smiley face when in "Quick Reply"

The good news is that you have a few months before having to completely shut down. You will need enough volume to move water through the main drain lines. Once the water bubbles 45 seconds to 1 minute, then create the air lock. I would recommend putting a black strap to keep the lever in place, and from accidentally being turned. Please keep us posted!
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