KAYAK Pool 16 X 32 Water Wall Failure?

Jun 27, 2015
Grantsville, MD
Before the 3rd load of water was delivered today I had to leave to take the youngest to a dentist appointment. The pool was fine with the 2 loads in it when I left. When I came back it looked like the delivery driver stopped by the local muddy river to fill the rest of the pool. Yea I was pretty upset but upon further inspection I saw a wall leaning out.

I know in the kayak manual that bowing was normal but this does not look good but I can't figure out why it's bowing out about 5-6". Reading the consumer reviews kayak had some water wall failures so before I drain the pool what are some opinions to look for.

All nuts and bolts are in tact, the bottom channel is fine. I can look down behind the ground/stone to the bottom and nothing looks blown out.

Any help would be appreciated!!

Is it out of track on the bottom? I don't own a kayak pool n not really sure on the way they are assembled.
Thanks ZB, I called KAYAK today and told them the issue I'm having. They pointed me to page 26 of the manual and suggested that the "camber blocks" were out of wack. So after dinner I went down and sure enough 6 of the 2X3's were gone. Using a hydraulic jack I was able to push the wall back into place, insert the blocks and all is good.

I was thinking the worst, drain the pool, pull the liner and replace what needed to be fixed.

Thanks to all the posted!
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