Post Construction Issue

Just completed a complete renovation on a 50 year old plaster pool. We have completed the break in period and have the water in pretty good shape but still need to fine tune a bit. The problem is the kids are getting tiny cuts on their feet when playing pool basket ball. The surface feels smooth so I dont know what is causing the issue. I believe the plaster dust is all but gone and we are not using any gritty chemicals. Any thoughts?
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I would think a new, well finished plaster should be much smoother than that. Did they do any special startup, like an acid or "hot startup"? Just curious, but I would also suggest studying it closely at night and see if you can see any roughness in the surface from the application process. What is the installer saying about this?
Is the surface plaster or something else? Like Patrick said what does the surface look like at night with the lights on?

When you get in the pool and run your hand over it does it feel rough?

Did they do a "hot start" or "acid wash"?
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