Holy Black Cave of Death, Batman!


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 8, 2013
North Canton, OH
This summer it has seemed like my chemistry is never quite perfect. I always have a nagging low level of CC. And any unusual load on the pool results in a bloom. Thanks to TFP, I have been able to see them coming and kill them pretty quickly. But I can't quite get to where I feel like everything is perfect.

I have read on multiple occasions comments about light niches. So I thought I would open mine today since I have some time.

:shock: :pale:

Let's just say I found HQ for the Masters of Evil.

Now it is all brushed out and clean and open, and I am SLAM-ing once again.

Hopefully, this will finally end the great algae scourge of 2015 once and for all!
It should go pretty fast.

Once you are certain SLAM is done, and it's 100% cleaned up, add a little more than your high limit FC for your Cya every so often. Like, every other additon, ormtwo at most. Additionally, bump the FC a few points before a party or big swim day, and again as soon as it's over. Do that even if you are dead on for your target FC before the party. I am confident you've been running FC on the ragged edge of low very often based on what you're saying here. Give that a try, stay on top of your FC like a hawk, and I guarantee you'll have no more trouble, and this scenario will disappear like a paycheck.
Good job Batman! LOL

NOW put this into your pool jobs------------every once in a while take your light out and clean it again. I would also take a turkey baster and squirt bleach into/around the light.

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