
  1. E

    Hot tub location - UV / weather protection

    In a final push on sanity we decided to change our mind to place our new hot tube (delivery Saturday) from a (covered) lanai to the edge/near corner of our pool deck. Florida winds and heat are going to... well that's the question... is there some UV spray to use to protect it? What about the...
  2. D

    Cold weather issue

    I’m out of town and we were about to hit 25F for around 48hrs. My wife doesn’t know how to work any thing so i was able to get her to enable cold temp pump run and set the heater to the lowest setting possible. Definitely going to cost me some cash but better than pool damage was my thinking. If...
  3. mommahocker

    SLAM vs. the WEATHER

    Facts as of right now: 1. Pool was partially drained at closing last year as I was running the Pristine Blue system and want to change over to bleach/chlorine this season. 2. Pool is now ridiculously green due to poor cover removal...all the debris was dumped into my CLEAN water and turned...