taylor test

  1. jtucker615

    Taylor PH test

    First let me say with all the advice I've received from these forums I've learned how to take care of my pool and my pool water is clean and clear. So thank you all for that. Now my question. Every time I test my PH using my Taylor test kit, I get a weak first test and have to test a second...
  2. PointeTaken

    Alright, where can I find some unexpired R-0871?

    It’s time to refill my stock of R-0871 (C size). In the past, I have had great success buying reagents on Amazon after vetting the vendors via reviews. This year, I’m seeing nothing but disappointed people complaining about expired reagent or receiving the wrong size. What’s a good, reliable...
  3. newmum8711

    Taylor testing

    Hi. I've been advised a few times about using Taylor tests instead of the clorox test strips that I have. I was on Amazon trying to shop for them but there was alot, they all had their specifics so i am lost. I don't have anything fancy, just an above pool from bestway size 14x42. So I'm pretty...