
  1. H

    I feel defeated, what should my next steps be to balance pool?

    Hello everyone, I had left the cover on my pool off for 2 days and because of how bad the pollen season has been it has basically infected my pool. I’m feeling so defeated because I’m facing a number of issues. I had paid someone (reputable and well known) to open up the pool as it was in our...
  2. Y

    Cleaning Pollen Off Of Spray Decking

    Hi Everyone - I have a new pool and we are hitting our first spring here in North Texas. One of our oak trees has been dropping a lot of pollen onto the deck and pool and we've noticed that it's been staining the decking. I took out our small electric pressures washer which is 1,200 PSI to...
  3. L

    I've Tried But What IS it? Mustard Algae or Pollen or?

    I've had this brown stuff in the pool, in patches, particularly along the seams, and on the sunny side of the pool - nothing on the shady side, nothing on the walls. This has pretty much been going over the past week. I performed an OCLT test last night and the chlorine went from 8.0 to 5.5...
  4. T

    Cloudy pool

    Hello! This is our third summer with our above ground pool, we bought the house with the pool so had to learn as we went. We have a DE filter but this summer we have really been struggling. At first we thought it was a bad pollen issue, bottom Of the pool was always green. When I would take the...
  5. R

    Brownish green dust at bottom of pool

    I have the dust at the bottom of pool. If I vacuum it returns. It is super fine and puffs up in clouds when approached by broom or vacuum.I have this problem every single year at this time. I can't believe it would be algae? My water is balanced and my FC has never dropped below 4. My oclt is...
  6. T

    Yellow Algae?

    Brand new to group! I’ve been fighting this for about three years. I don’t know if it’s yellow algae or something else. It’s not ‘yellow’, more sand color, but it’s powder like if disturbed. I’ll shock, vac to waste, replace water loss only to have it return. It’s isn’t selective where it...
  7. PowerPigg!!

    Thought it was mustard, now not so sure

    I began SLAM process 5 days ago to address what appears to be mustard algae, but now I wonder if I have misidentified what I have, and have the additional complication of having slacked in frequency of chlorine upkeep due to emergency work time demands since Wednesday. My logs are shared so all...
  8. P

    Algae, pollen, or something else?

    Hello i recently opened my pool and had a bunch of junk in it from winter and waterr was really cloudy . Within a few days i had the water sparkling and everything was looking good. That until i noticed that some junk that looks like brownish dirt kept accuumulating on parts of the pool floor...
  9. D

    Something in the surface of the Pool

    Hello from Monterrey Guys I have this trouble with my pool I just drain the water yesterday because I just bought this house and i wanted to have clean water cause i don’t know who get in to it and i have kids you know for sanity So i filled with new water today from a local service they...
  10. S

    Huge Pasture Behind Pool- Farm Dust, Pollen or Mustard Algae?

    Hey there y'all! New to having a pool this year and have been dealing with brownish yellow dust for the past month or so. I have used Yellow Out and done the full cycle and Green to Clean and done the full cycle and am still dealing with the same issue. There is a fine yellow brown dust coating...
  11. goody222

    Close Pool with Solid Cover but leave freeze protect on (Hybrid closing)

    I’m curious what you think about a hybrid closing I’m thinking about: For 2 winters (in Virginia), I’ve left the pool open all winter. However, I spend more time maintaining it in the winter than I do in the summer = Constantly scooping out twigs & decomposed leaves, empty skimmers, run...
  12. A

    Help Identifying Algae or Pollen

    Hello, First post and came across this site from researching DIY pool care. I just moved into a house a few weeks ago that has a pool and I started noticing this build up on the bottom of the pool. At first I thought it was pollen because there are several tall trees behind the pool, but then I...
  13. mputegnat

    Live Oak Attack - Cloudy Water

    I have canopy of like oak trees over the pool. In a recent rain event the pollen loaded catkins dropped into the pool and stained the water like tea bags. Over night the pool went from clear to cloudy root beer. That started the annual 2 week live oak pollen battle. I shocked the pool twice...