diamond brite

  1. T

    Diamiond Brite replacement

    Hello! Have question about diamond Brite install. We recently re-did our pool. Contractor has installed a diamond brite without asking us the color we wanted and we asked it to be changed. He put a grey colored diamond brite, we wanted white. Previous Diamond brite has been installed ...
  2. P

    My (not so) Little Pool Reno + Questions

    Hi, and thank you for your time in advance. I will use this as my personal thread to document our pool renovation, as well ask questions as we progress. Disclosure: I have a decent amount of pictures, and the entire project on time lapse. I will try to get to it all in due time, and post it...
  3. M

    6 Week Old Pool with Calcium Hydroxide

    We just had our 30,000 pool replanted with Diamond Brite Blue Quartz 6 weeks ago. We brushed the pool like we were told to do 2 times a day fir the first week, then we were out of town for a week. Once we returned home things seemed fine. Pool looked great, but we found out the renovation crew...
  4. B

    Diamond Brite color choice- HELP

    Hello all, I am brand new here and this is my first post. Our pool is under construction and going faster than I expected. PB wants me to finalize my color choice for the Diamond Brite plaster. I'm at a loss after endless hours on Pinterest, Houzz, and Instagram as all the pics look like a...
  5. K

    Where to get DiamondBrite Samples?

    I see I can get an entire set of them on their website, but I don't need either an entire sample of 12 colors, or a set of 6 of the same color, although I can do the 12 if I have to. I think we're leaning towards Aqua Blue, but wouldn't mind samples of the rest of the untinted blues. Locally is...
  6. G

    Diamond Brite Pool Finish

    Has anyone had any experience with the diamond brite pool finish product, its durability and could recommend a few specific colors that will look "carribean blue", not a green or dark water color? I was considering classic, cool blue, blue, marlin blue or super blue. Thanks in advance!