
  1. frank1823

    Maytronics Dolphin swivel question

    Apologies if this has already been asked and answered. I searched and could not find. I have a Dolphin S300 pool robot. About 4 or 5 months ago I had a local pool supply company repair it under warranty. The 2 year warranty has since expired. They replaced the power supply/control unit and the...
  2. T

    Is my finish coming off? Strange blue color found

    Hi A few weeks ago my pool tech noted a swirl of blue color appeared after added chlorine and then some bicarb. Apparently it disappeared pretty quickly. After my swim last night I was q-tipping my ear canal and a blue color came off onto the qtip. My pool finish is blue and I'm worried its...
  3. newbe12

    [solved] Never ending SLAM

    Hey, been lurking for quite awhile. I'm familiar with the method. I've used it with success In the past, but now not so much. Here are my test results FC 2 TA 200 PH 7.0 CYA 30 CH 40 I let the FC back down to take these tests. I've been keeping it at about 12 FC per pool math. I can tend to...