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  1. B


    Because of the recent scarcity and high cost of liquid chlorine I have been using cal-hypo for the last two years. I looked into converting to salt, but for various reasons decided not to. The only problem I had was the residue left from the filler even when I mixed it with water. I see now that...
  2. B

    Maintain chlorine after power loss using cal-hypo

    As hurricane activity is ramping up in the Atllantic, if I lose power for extended time, can I maintain chlorine levels by adding cal-hypo to pool and brushing? I'm no longer using liquid chlorine because of cost and lack of availability. Even if I bought some liquid chlorine and dumped it in...
  3. B

    Chlorine availabilty and cost - is it time to convert to salt

    Last year it was very difficult and expensive to get chlorine and I swtched to Calcium Hypochlorite. At the time it was about $150 for a 50 lb. bucket. Now it is $280 and who knows what it will be when demand increases at the start of pool season. I have an estimate of $2042 for installation...
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    An unexplainable algae problem.

    An unexplainable algae problem. On Sunday 11 I1 tested my FC and it was 4.5. I didn’t test it again on Monday morning because it had not been dropping because my water temperature was 57.5 degrees, it was raining , I had no chlorine on hand and was getting some on Monday. However, I did walk...
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    Shocking and water below 60 degrees

    In the pool closing sticky it states the following: "Two or three days before closing, I bring the pool up to shock level and hold it there until FC holds overnight (which it generally does right off on the first night). Then I let the chlorine level fall about half way back to normal levels...
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    Algae after hard rain even though FC was 7.5

    I returned from a week's vacation late Tuesday night and checked the pool first thing Wednesday morning and everything was it should be, FC 8, PH was 75. I had stacked 8 3" tabs in the skimmer and they were just about gone. The pool was clear with no signs of algae anywhere. It started...
  7. B

    closing, algae, and chlorine use rate

    I made it through the summer with no algae problems with my new liner, but on returning from a 9 day trip on 10/17 thought I saw one fairly bright patch of yellow about the size of a saucer by the steps. It looked too bright to me for mustard algae and since we have a lot of yellow flowers near...
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    Milky light green water after storm

    Yesterday my water and pool looked fine and my chlorine level was at 2 ppm in the a.m.. I added enough bleach to get it to around 5 (CYA 50). Early this a.m. we had some thunderstorms and a hard 3-4 inches of rain in a few hours. It came down so hard that the water was coming in faster than my...
  9. B

    Where is my FC going ?

    This looks like an awesome site and I'm glad I found it. I've had my algae problems off and on over the years which I usually managed to deal with most effectively with copper algecide (I know that is a bad word here). However, the last 2 years I've had trouble with reading any chlorine on my...