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  1. P

    Big Midday FC loss?

    Hmmm.. so bump my CYA up somehow?
  2. P

    Big Midday FC loss?

    Today was a sunny day... went from FC of 8 this AM to about a 4 after work. Overnight FC loss is just about nothing. Is this common? I seem to lose ALOT of FC during the day. My CYA last year was around 80-90, but Im down to about 40-50 this year... so I expected a bit better performance. Pool...
  3. P

     "Pentair Amerbrite 120V LED Color Replacement

    Would the "Pentair Amerbrite 120V LED Color Replacement " fit in my Hayward housing? Description suggests it would not... My old bulb died and I got the housing out and, like most, am looking for a LED option. The Pentair seems best, but I don't want to replace the housing!
  4. P

    We're Back!

    My pool has a bunch of hefty leaf+other debris that needs to be cleaned out. Should I just hook up the vacuum and run this to waste in the yard? My filter doesn't seem to have alot of suction to make this efficient... perhaps I need to adjust the valves a bit...
  5. P

    We're Back!

    Good question! I didn't think to note visual of the screw heads (good check!), but it looks crystal clear, if you look past the little areas of matter leaves and debris I need to clean out. I can see the seams on the bottom of the liner in the deep end, so I'd say thats pretty clear!
  6. P

    We're Back!

    Looks like my FC went UP by one overnight? Perhaps my testing was off by a few ml, but I'd say it's clean and looking good! Time to get that vac out!
  7. P

    We're Back!

    Hopefully I answered my own question right -- added the leftover 3qt of Shock and will do another TC test before bed and one at first light for a OCLT.
  8. P

    We're Back!

    SO -- Added 3.3 bottles of 12.5% shock in around 7a. 7p comes, and Im sitting at TC of 3 (FC=2.5, CC=<.5). Seem right? Water DEFINITELY cleared up... just not sure if I need to maintain the FC target of the initial SLAM anymore, or target 8 or so and carry on? Should I be pitching in a bit...
  9. P

    We're Back!

    Got two boxes of Borax in tonight... going to let that cook and then hit it with the 12.5% doses in the AM for full on SLAM to get back to where we need to be.
  10. P

    We're Back!

    Yea... my memory is a bit fuzzy on the CYA... I remeber always wanting ot get it lower, but it was in a good enough spot. I believe you're right. Thanks!
  11. P

    We're Back!

    Pool is freshly (delayed) opened and first readings are in ! TA= 50 CYA= 60 CH= 125 ph= 6.8 FC= ~0 First year we're opening the pool. Poolman said all looks good... but now it's on me to get it to TFP standards. IIRC, these were my targets last year: ph= 7.5 TA= 50 FC= 8 CYA= 75 Currently...
  12. P

    And here we go...!

    Thanks, Earl! So -- I've stocked up on some bleach for the rest of the season which is nice. I am noticing, however, that my poo water level is ever so slowly dropping. I added a top off to get the level above the skimmer basket's 2nd screwhole (about halfway up and then some) 5 days ago...
  13. P

    And here we go...!

    For sure, jrguzmanr -- My CYA testing numbers have gotten a bit more even at around 85 so... I'm hoping the winter brings me where I want to be. We shall see. And thanks!
  14. P

    And here we go...!

    Crazytown. This AM results after a water add: FC- 6.5 CC- .5 TA- 90 pH- 7.5 CYA- 85 CH 175 So, never had a CC reading come back before... but once I added the drops it turned a tiny, tiny shade of pink that required 2 drops to get back to "crystal clear"... so I'll suppose that counts as a .5...
  15. P

    And here we go...!

    Noticed the pool water was getting low today -- perhaps after 2 weeks of brutal sun? Popped the hose in to fill it up for an hour or so -- got it halfway up the skimmer. Letting it run now for a bit after dumping some bleach in -- run some tests tonight or in the AM to bring it to proper...
  16. P

    And here we go...!

    Not the best pic but I just snapped it - hope the stupid resolution edit came out good.
  17. poolEDIT.jpg


  18. P

    And here we go...!

    Oh yea.. Noon readings looking RIGHT where I want to be. Not sure how my CYA got here but I think I'm pleased... maybe I mistested but I'll take it for now. FC= 8 TA= 85 pH= 7.5 CYA= 75 Gonna bump that FC to 11ish by adding 6cups or so of 12.5% Chlorine and get my PoolCleaner in there about...
  19. P

    And here we go...!

    FC of 10 this AM - expecting thunderstorms this afternoon. Will probably add 17oz or so of 12% Chlorine to mitigate any loss and stay hovering in the 10 space. ThePoolCleaner and my new sprinkler will have to wait until tomorrow to get used. So many outdoor activities!
  20. P

    And here we go...!

    9pm FC Testing brings us to 11 ... a 2.5 loss during the day today. A sunny, hot one for sure. Turned the pump off for the evening - going to fire it up in the AM and get another test as a sort of a pseudo-OCLT just to see where we stand with overnights.
  21. P

    And here we go...!

    CYA was 90 upon last check. I'll target a 10 on the FC... which means I should be buying stock in bleach companies or getting a Costco membership shortly I suppose. I'll run another check on it later tonight to see where the 13.5 reading this AM ended up. But noted... Critical Minimum is 7...
  22. P

    And here we go...!

    DaninFLA -- Likely. I'll have to look into some hoses and such and get a gameplan... but again, maybe end of seasons or beginning of next. As of this AM with the pump running since initial SLAM chlorination: FC= 13.5 TA= 100 Didn't bother with pH since FC is so high. So now - I suppose I'm...
  23. P

    And here we go...!

    Yea - it seems my pump has a backwash hose running the length of the pool. Would I really want to water anything with that much chems in it?
  24. P

    And here we go...!

    Correct - we're already in August so I'm thinking any water balancing is going to be end of season or beginning of next. Haven't even thought of closing it up or dates yet really... I should probably get on that at some point to see what is involved. Sounds complicated, but I'm sure TFP has...
  25. P

    And here we go...!

    Water was looking clear and clean, per usual. It would seem my only real concern is this high CYA causing me to add larger amounts of chlorine than necessary. I'm going to blame the 2 empty massive buckets of 3" Chlorine tablets in the shed. Are there any other CYA workaround besides dumping...
  26. P

    And here we go...!

    5:10am -- feeling foggy, rather groggy. And the results are in ! 9:30pm FC Reading 1 = 18.5 9:30pm FC Reading 2= 18.5 5:10am FC Reading 1= 18 5:10am FC Reading 2= 19 Ran each test twice for the sake of baseline accuracy. Going to assume the error in the 5am testing was from me either...
  27. P

    And here we go...!

    ALLRIGHT - The sun has gone down and the moon has come up. 9:30pm FC Reading = 18.5 Took it twice to confirm. Down from the 21.5 earlier in the day about an hour or so after the initial blast of chlorine. Excited for what the AM testing brings. Kind of.
  28. P

    And here we go...!

    PUMPS ARE ON ! I don't know -- I was just trying to cycle it I guess? Clearly I need to read up more on things, I've been flying on blind faith of random TFP'ers and following guidance accordingly. So far, so good. Killed the timer buttons and letting the pump do its thing. Fountain is on...
  29. P

    And here we go...!

    Yea - didn't have time to get down to the cheaper place so I figured I'd hit the local pool store to see what they had anyway. MAN is all their stuff expensive. That said, 2 gallons of the 12.5% for $10 wasn't SO bad, considering it was 2 minutes from the house and I had to be back in time...
  30. P

    And here we go...!

    Scary to dump 1.5gallons of 12.5% chlorine in a pool... but so be it. Letting it cycle a bit and getting ready for a OCLT tonight. I'll take a test in about an hour, then tonight an hour or so after dusk. Then, I'll take one bright and early before the sun comes up. It's kind of exciting...