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  1. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    I think it might be me... the entire chart of all 4 readings is about an inch high on the bottle and the colors are not that easy to match up with these old eyes :shock:
  2. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Okay, so straight pool water reads 10+ and a 50/50 mix is reading the exact same color purple as 10.
  3. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Oh, okay, you caught me just in time! Just got home from work with the acid a few minutes ago. I'll go and store it for now. Latest test using 3 parts Kentwood purified water to 1 part pool water now reads 1 on the free chlorine, so that's 21? It's slowly coming down... Do you think we can...
  4. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    I hope so... it's looking good now and not a speck of algae anywhere. It has cleared up as well and almost looks like it usually does. I'm going to dump some water and add some acid when I get home later. Gotta get to work, see ya!
  5. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    3 parts Kentwood purified water to 1 part pool water reads 5 now for the free chlorine. EDIT: The pool is sparkling, clear and blue looking this morning! Now I have to work on the water balance. Bad cell phone pic (wife has the camera):
  6. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    I'm not sure how she did it, her back was to me, but it only took a few seconds and the results came from her computer. Here are the results from my test this morning: PH 7.8 FC 10+ TA 90 (right between 80 & 100) CYA 100
  7. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    It gets better every day, but sadly, the local government stinks (as usual) and things just aren't the same, nor will they they ever be for the locals. Wow, sorry to hear about that! A lot of folks were badly effected by the storm, and many will be changed for life. The 'atmosphere' here is...
  8. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    7:30pm Test strip readings: PH 7.8 FC 10+ TA 100 CYA 120 3 parts Kentwwod to 1 pool water reads between the 5 & 10 range for the free chlorine. Pool is now totally clear and sparkling again, and a nice bright blue, though I know there are still problems to address.
  9. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Okay, thanks. And yes, I asked her if the computer would report the chlorine properly, since I used the 50/50 mix and got 10+ this morning (really 20+). She said no, the computer never reports more than 10.
  10. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Okay, snuck out early from work and went to the pool store - here are the results: --------------------------- Current----Ideal Saturation Index---------- 0.6---minus 3 - .3 CYA-------------------------132-----30-200 Tot Chlorine---------------10-------1-3 Free Chlorine--------------10------1-3...
  11. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Okay, I get it, neat idea! I got a brand new bottle of Kentwood spring water and poured out 2/3 of a cup into a measuring cup. Emptied the bottle and went and got an elbow deep sample and poured 2/3 into another measuring cup and then combined both into the original bottle. Here's the result...
  12. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Oops, sorry, 182oz and 6% - Clorox. It's been a long 2 days since I got back... I really don't have the money to throw away right now on multiple test kits - should I get the cheap one, or wait for payday and get the right one?
  13. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Free Chlorine measures up to 10 and dark purple is the color, the strip is darker than the #10 color. I don't know what an OTO test is. I don't have any tubes, these are AquaCheck test strips from Wally World. Just triple checked the pool again. PH is slightly darker than the highest reading...
  14. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Okay just checked again: PH 8.4 FC 10 or more TA 100 CYA 40 I guess I did something wrong earlier today...
  15. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    My kit goes up to 8.4, but I said 9.0 because it was redder than the 8.4.
  16. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    I know... so do I add muriatic acid? I realize that also, and I am going to order a real test kit next Friday. For now I have to work with what I have. What other way can I lower the CYA other than dumping water and adding new? Also, I just got home and added the rest of the bleach I had on...
  17. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Okay, I didn't see the Suggested FC Levels at the bottom which says Shock 21. I am going to order the test kit on line. And thanks for the idea of the pool store, I'll see what they say as well, but they have always sold me a LOT of expensive chemicals that never solved the problems in the...
  18. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    I'm using a generic kit from Wally World... I know, I have to get a real one. Okay, so the calculator does say 6-11 for the goal. So then I guess I have to add more bleach tonight? Thanks!
  19. BigGuy

    All I did was go away for a few days!

    Hi Everyone, First let me say that I have always has problems with my water being stable in my pool, that is until I came here last year and started reading... thanks for all the good info! Since I switched to the BBB method, my pool has been a sparkling oasis! Recently, we had about 13 days...
  20. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    Here's the larger file... quite dramatic!
  21. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    Holy ****! If I ever have a stain to get out, I know who to call! 8-) Great job! It looks fantastic, and I like the improv stuff as well! Check this out, a new avatar for you: -Rich
  22. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    Wo hoo... I knew you would pull it off! Congrats on the anniversary and doing it yourself! -Rich
  23. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    Yeah, we stayed through the entire thing, followed by Rita. My wife was on-call at the hospital, so we couldn't evacuate - we did send the kids away. After the hurricane, we were without power for 6 weeks in 90-100 degree temps, so the black lagoon (as we called it) stewed in the mix of fence...
  24. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    The last post sounds pretty reasonable... While I'm certified as a NON expert, I refilled my pool once after Hurricane Katrina, and with tap water, was about the same as yours except the PH. I used a gallon of 6% bleach, filled the automatic chlorinater with 3" pucks, put a 3" puck in each...
  25. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    Yup... it is. Mine will almost burn you it runs so hot.
  26. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    Yeah, your PH is really high... think acid. Chemicals and balancing is definitely not my forte! That's why I have to manage my pool every day 8-) Best bet is to go back to pool school! Post all of your test results and someone will answer it. -Rich
  27. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    With the manual vac, you just take the vac head and attach it to the hose - buy a head for concrete pools, not vinyl. The cheaper vinyl one will get stuck to the pool - the concrete head has wheels and is not flexible. Now with the hose attached to the head and the pole attached, dump it into...
  28. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    Great, and good luck tomorrow! Expect a big puff of discolored water coming out of the return lines though. I'm pretty sure you didn't flush them before filling. Let us know how the mystery lines work out. And yes, 1/2 way... -Rich
  29. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    I usually do delegate housework when I can, but for some reason, I really enjoy working in the yard, including the pool and the landscaping. I work hard all week at a motorcycle dealership and the pool and the yard are my only real talents, so I enjoy it as much as I can. My son was 16 yo when...
  30. BigGuy

    My "Giant Pond" is Almost a Real Pool! And Some Questions...

    Well I have to say, there are a lot of pretend "pros" out there! Last year, I had to go to CA for work for 3 months, so I hired a "pro" to take care of the pool while I was gone. He had a nice shiny truck and a big yellow pages ad, so I figured he might be okay. I made a deal with him to come...