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  1. Kim S

    how to safely drain pool

    My CYA levels are too high, and I need to fill and drain the pool. I know to do this safely I should do this in steps, and never completely drain the pool. I read on previous posts that one can take the water level several inches below the skimmer. What happens if I let water level go below the...
  2. pool set up.jpg

    pool set up.jpg

  3. Kim S

    HEDP and stains

    Thanks, mbar and waterbear. The info about the HEDP precipitating out came from the old Pool Solutions tips web site: Although I must admit I have not seen this info anywhere else, even in discussions of advanced pool water chemistry.
  4. Kim S

    HEDP and stains

    Thanks. I have seen previous posts about ascorbic acid. So you think I need both ascorbic acid and the Metal Hold? Metal Hold bottle says "prevents and cures" stains, so I wasn't sure. I was more worried about Metal Hold (or any HEDP product) causing precipitates that could turn my blue water to...
  5. Kim S

    HEDP and stains

    I am a new pool owner (5-year-old pool came with house), and about 2 months ago I noticed faint brown stains on the sides and bottom. It's not bad, just not very nice looking. I bought the Jack's Magic Stain ID kit, and "Stain Solution #1" seemed to get the stain out just fine. The pool store...