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  1. mattersfact2

    Recovering Swamp-leftover stains

    Oh yeah - duh... Once I refilled, I DID initially shock with 2 lbs of powder shock...and I added stabilizer to the skimmer. I still have about 8 lbs of granular shock left....and maybe 20 of the 3 inch pucks. I have had two puck floaters loaded with pucks floating around for the last 3 or 4...
  2. mattersfact2

    For those who doubt the BBB method...

    It was after seeing posts like this that convinced me to trade in the $$$ pool chemicals for BBB! Great photos. I didn't take any pics of mine, but it did wonders too!
  3. mattersfact2

    Recovering Swamp-leftover stains

    Re: HELP with Copper Stains I added 2 jugs of the bleach (6% bleach - 364 oz) and the dip stick is registering somewhere between 3 and 10 for FC. The pool calculator says that should put me around an FC of 8 starting from 0. Hopefully I will see the stains fade. Crossing my fingers. :goodjob:
  4. mattersfact2

    Recovering Swamp-leftover stains

    Topic split from this thread by Moderator: I believe I have these same stains - there was MUCH leaf debris at the bottom of my pool this year. I had a late opening due to lack of funds, pool turned into a bog, leaves smelled...